梅沢 章男 黒原 彰
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.21, pp.29-36, 1994-07-31 (Released:2017-05-23)

Previous biofeedback studies concerning electrodermal activities have used either skin conductance (SC) or skin potential (SP). This study was designed to investigate the temporal correspondence between SC and SP and to determine the most suitable indicator for electrodermal biofeedback studies. SC and SP were recorded simultaneously in 24 subjects under the mirror drawing test. The following results were obtained : (1) Intrasubject correlation coefficients between total amplitudes per minute of skin conductance response (SCR) and of skin potential response (SPR) were significant in all subjects, whereas correlations between skin conductance level (SCL) and skin potential level (SPL) were significant in only 17 subjects (70.8%). Correlations between SCL and SPL were low or significant negative in subjects showed a positive SPL shift caused by a burst of positive SPRs. (2) Although SCR and SPR, phasic components of EDA, showed a marked increase in total amplitude in the first half of the experiment, but a gradual decreasing of responsiveness was found in the latter half. On the other hand, SCL and SPL, tonic components of EDA, showed consistent responsiveness throughout the experiment. (3) Latency of changes in SPL were significantly longer than changes in SCL. These results suggest that SCL is the most suitable indicator for electrodermal biofeedback studies.
竹内 裕美 寺井 堅祐 梅沢 章男
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.26, pp.14-20, 1999

本研究は, 実験的ストレッサーに対する心臓血管反応性とアレキシサイミア人格特性の関連性を明らかにすることを目的とした.健康な男女大学生25名に対して, 暗算(能動的対処課題)と寒冷昇圧(受動的対処課題)の2種類の課題を提示した.また, 全被験者に対しトロント・アレキシサイミア尺度(TAS-20)とMMPIを施行した.被験者はTAS-20の中央値によって, アレキシサイミア高・低群に分けられた.心拍数(HR)と平均血圧(MBP)を分析したところ, 以下の所見を得た.(1)HR, MBPは, 実験的ストレッサーに対して有意な増加を示した.(2)アレキシサイミア高群は, 低群と比較して, 有意に低いHR反応性を示した.(3)MBP反応性については, アレキシサイミア高・低群に統計的な差異は認められなかった.(4)アレキシサイミア高群は, 低群と比較すると, MMPI妥当性尺度の修正点(K)が有意に低く, 抑うつ(D), 精神衰弱(Pt), 社会的内向性(Si)尺度において高い丁得点を示した.これらの結果より, アレキシサイミア傾向の高い個人は, 強い主観的な不適応感を持っているにもかかわらず, ストレス刺激に対する心臓側の反応性は決して高くないと考えられた.
黒原 彰 梅沢 章男
生理心理学と精神生理学 (ISSN:02892405)
vol.27, no.1, pp.35-44, 2009-04-30 (Released:2010-12-28)
3 2

本論文では,法科学領域のポリグラフ検査,とりわけ裁決と非裁決質問に対する反応の違いをみるポリグラフ検査(concealed information test: CIT)において出現する呼吸活動が,ふたつの主要な成分から構成されることを,これまでの実験結果に基づき考察した。第1の成分は,CIT検査事態を通して誘発される吸気流速(呼吸ドライブ機構)の変化であり,安静時に比べて有意な増加を示す。第2の成分は,CIT事態で呈示される裁決質問に対する一過性の抑制性呼吸であり,呼吸流速の低下や呼気後ポーズ時間の延長という特徴を持つ。本稿では,ストレスや情動に伴う呼吸代謝活動に関する我々の実験結果をもとに,第1の変化成分は,ストレス,情動に伴う促進性呼吸と同じ性質を持つ呼吸変化であり,呼吸中枢の状態を反映したものと考察した。一方,後者の成分である一過性の呼吸抑制は,注意に伴う呼吸変化に関する先行研究の結果から,裁決質問に対する注意レベルの上昇に起因した,呼吸中枢から上位中枢へと制御が切り替わって出現する変化であろうとの見解を示した。
市原 信 矢島 正晴 梅沢 章男 児玉 昌久
バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
vol.11, pp.5-10, 1984

The microcomputer-based, multi-purpose biofeedback (BF) sytem was developed for several clinical applications. The main components of system were as follows : the microcomputer, (Apple II), a color CRT display, a synthesizer, an anlog-to-digital converter with 12 channel analog multiplexer. To fascilitate data processing, a Z80 CPU card with the disk operating system (CP/M) was also installed. First, 2-channel EMG BF training was introduced to motor disturbance caused by cervical spinal cord injury. Two EMG activities obtained from an upper limb of a subject were sampled by the system, then fedback as graphic patterns on a CRT or as auditory stimuli via a synthesizer. This multiple BF procedure with integrated feedback information was effective for reducing the muscle co-contraction in such a subject and the appropriate motor pattern tended to be established easily. Second, potentiometers were attached one each to two weight scales to which subject's weight was allocated. Analog outputs from the potentiometers were fed to the BF system. It was shown that reliable data to evaluate the voluntary control of standing posture in cerebral palsied children, could be obtained with the simple measuring devices and the system. It was discussed that, as shown in the second example described above, the quantitative data acquisition could be realized only with the addition of simple sensors or transducers. Furthermore, thtypical BF training process in clinical applications was summarized in terms of softwares of this system. The process consist of planning, execution, and evaluation of BF training, all of which are controlled and optimized at the software level. It was exemplified well in the multiple EMG BF training in the present report. It was suggested that further quantitative data analysis with this BF system is necessary to reveal the critical role of feedback information for more effective application of BF procedures to clinical situation.
反中 亜弓 寺井 堅祐 梅沢 章男
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.22, no.1, pp.11-19, 2014

This study developed the Alexithymia Scale for Adolescents (ASA), based on previous studies, and aimed to clarify the effects of grade and gender on alexithymic tendencies during junior high school (aged 12–15 years). The results of confirmatory factor analysis and the Cronbach's <i>alpha</i> coefficients for the subscales revealed that the model with the following three original factors showed the best fit: difficulty identifying feelings (DIF), difficulty describing feelings (DDF), and externally-oriented thinking (EOT). Analysis of ASA data for 1 241 junior high school students (647 boys and 594 girls)revealed the following: 1) The mean ASA score was relatively high (<i>M</i>=53.92, <i>SD</i>=9.60) in comparison with previous adult studies. 2) The overall effect of grade was significant(<i>p</i><.05). 3) First-grade students scored lower than did second-(<i>d</i>=.19) and third-(<i>d</i>=.16)grade students. 4) Girls had significantly higher DIF scores than did boys (<i>p</i><.01, <i>d</i>=.24). These results imply that Japanese junior high school students experience difficulty with emotion regulation in daily life.