森田 紗也子 中野 良樹
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.9-16, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the familiarity of a face affects on recognition of emotion which expressed by face and voice. In the experiment, participants observed a video image of one woman who has selected among four women, the two were known for the participant and the others were not. The woman expressed one of four emotion, happiness, surprise, sad and disgust, via face and voice. In these stimuli half of them expressed the same emotion from the face and the voice, while the other half expressed the different emotion between the two modalities. The observers were required to assess how much they felt the four emotions from the expression of that woman. Results suggested that the participant predominantly recognized surprise and disgust that were typical expression among the four emotions when they observed a familiar woman. Furthermore, the familiarity let an observer to proceed information and predominant modality, when the participants recognized happiness and sadness that were involved surprise and disgust respectively.