立花 希一
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.57-66, 2012-03

There were two psychologists, Karl Buhler and Alfred Adler, who had taught Popper. Popper rarely confessed his intellectual debt, but he exceptionally said that he owed to Karl Buhler. On the other hand, Popper condemned Adler's Individual Psychology as a pseudo-science. However, as we read Adler, we are surprised to find that Popper was greatly influenced by Adler in various points such as the logic of social situation, optimism, the regulative idea of the absolute truth, the view of science as modified commonsense and so on. Popper accepted Buhler's psychology of learning. Viewing from these contexts, it seems to us that Popper's thought was not original at all. However Popper changed the psychology of learning into the logic of scientific learning and proposed falsificationist methodology of science. His originality is found in this point.
三宅 良美
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.85-94, 2013-03-31

和泉 浩
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.31-60, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to consider the relations between the reproduction of modern rationalized social system and its resistant, differentiating or dissimilating components through two famous authors' two famous works of the same period. Michel de Certeau's L'invention du quotidian: Arts de faire (published in 1980, English title: "the Practice of Everyday Life") and Paul Willis's Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids get Working Class Jobs (published in 1977). In L'invention du quotidian de Certeau tries to delineate the 'creativity' of 'users' or consumers in everyday practice, who are 'commonly assumed to be passive and guided by established rules.' According to de Certeau, 'users' not only consume various products – from commodity to urban space – of modern rationalized and expansionistic technocracy and capitalism, but also bricolent(bricolage) those products in their practices of everyday life where users dissimilate or transgress the control, 'discipline' and plans of producers and technocrats, in which de Certeau finds out the 'creativity' of 'users' and the resistant moments with in the existing systems of dominance relationships of 'elite' and 'popular culture.' In Learning to Labour , Willis tries to identify the resistant moments in working class culture, especially 'failed' working class kids and their counter-school culture which oppose to authorities of school, teachers and academic carrier-based pseudo egalitarian institutions and society. He expounds on the reproductive processes of 'working class kids get working class jobs, because of various 'limitations' which distort the 'penetrations' of working class culture which are, he thinks, 'potential materials…for a thoroughly critical analysis of society and political action for the creation of alternatives.' Willis situates 'creativity' of working class culture in their collective level of the 'penetrations' which exist like Freudian 'unconsciousness' and cannot be seized in utterance or conscious level of working class people, while de Certeau finds the creativity of resistance in everyday surface level practices like speaking, walking, cooking. This paper has scrutinized the differences between de Certeau,'s and Willis's ideas of resistant alternative 'creativity' in everyday practices and popular culture, and their positions within the 'reproduction' of modern capitalist class society.
森田 紗也子 中野 良樹
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.9-16, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the familiarity of a face affects on recognition of emotion which expressed by face and voice. In the experiment, participants observed a video image of one woman who has selected among four women, the two were known for the participant and the others were not. The woman expressed one of four emotion, happiness, surprise, sad and disgust, via face and voice. In these stimuli half of them expressed the same emotion from the face and the voice, while the other half expressed the different emotion between the two modalities. The observers were required to assess how much they felt the four emotions from the expression of that woman. Results suggested that the participant predominantly recognized surprise and disgust that were typical expression among the four emotions when they observed a familiar woman. Furthermore, the familiarity let an observer to proceed information and predominant modality, when the participants recognized happiness and sadness that were involved surprise and disgust respectively.
吉永 慎二郎
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.61, pp.13-22, 2006-03-31

This report has discribed the working of Mojia's Fei Ming on the history of thought in the age of the Warring States and that of Chinese thought.The model of hierarchy of Ming (命) in Zhou (周) dynasty that had been stabilized by substantiating the idea of Tian Ming (天命) resulted from Heaven's Will not only had justified the royal power of Zhou,but also had obstructed the emergence of another King to surpass Zhou Wang (周王).But Mojia's logic of Fei Ming that denied the real existence of Ming and Tian Ming let lose the justice of the model of the hierarchy of Ming ,that school brought up the new model of the hierarchy of Yi (義) that meant the principle of public profit. Therefore we can say what let the feudal lords at the age of the Warring States who had been the subjects of Zhou Wang be able to call King (Wang (王)) was just this logic of Fei Ming.The logic of Fei Ming on the alternation of royal powers has been working as the theories of Shan Rang (禅譲) and Fang Fa (放伐). furthermore has composed the idea of Qi Yi (起義) that means founding Yi (義) began to conquer the world of Tian xia (天下). This idea of Qi Yi is able to communicate with thatof Revolution
立花 希一
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.103-118, 2013-03-31

19世紀における科学と宗教の衝突は,もはや取って代わられたように私には思われる。「無批判的な」合理主義は矛盾しているので,科学と宗教の衝突の問題は,知識(knowledge)と信仰(faith)との間の選択ではありえず,ただ単に二種類の信仰の間の選択にすぎない。こうして生まれた新たな問題は.どちらが正しい信仰なのか,どちらが誤った信仰なのかである。私が明らかにしようと試みたことは,われわれが直面している選択は,理性に対する信仰(faith in reason)および人間性を備えた個々人に対する信仰と,人間を集団に統合する人間の神秘的諸能力に対する信仰との間に存するということである。そしてこの選択は同時に,人類の統一を承認する態度と,人間を友と敵,主人と奴隷とに分断する態度との間の選択でもある。私が言いたいのはただ,〔宗教と科学の衝突の〕問題がもはや存在しないこと,あるいは,この問題は,とにかく,われわれが直面している全体主義や人種主義といった邪悪な宗教(evil religions)の問題と比べれば些細なものであることを,われわれは今ではすっかり学んだということである。I had written a paper in 1989 entitled ''Karl Popper on Christianity". It was renamed ''Karl Popper's Views on Religion: Judaism, Christianity, and Critical Rationalism" and published in 2001 in the collection of papers entitled Critical Rationalism, vol. 1, edited by the Japan Popper Society. At that time I was unaware of any publications by Popper whose main theme was religion, and I had based my position on sporadic remarks made by Popper in his various writings. However, in light of the 2008 publication of a collection of papers by Popper (After the Open Society: Selected Social and Political Writtings, eds. Jeremy Shearmur and Piers Norris Turner), which includes Popper's papers on religion (e.g., "Science and Religion"), I present a reappraisal of Popper's views on religion.
佐藤 稔 日高 水穂
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.54, pp.9-17, 1999-03

This is a preliminary report of the language change among the people in Ogata village in Akita prefecture.Ogata village was created by land reclamation in 1966 as a national project, and its residents were from all overJapan (About half are from Akita prefecture, and the other half are from other areas of Japan. ) Since the people of the second generation are now in the leading roles of the community, the community has developedtheir own variety of Japanese. In this short article, we present an outline of the community and report the resultsof the preliminary survey.