西台 満 NISHIDAI Michiru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.1-5, 2012-03-01

A person who gains a profit without a legal cause commits “the unjust enrichment” in Civil Law. He is required to recover the original condition by compensating the other party for his loss.The profit to be restored, however, is limited to “as much as existing” when he is asked for compensation, provided that he made the profit in good faith. Good faith means that he received the goods or money believing that he was entitled to do so.Money spent for amusements is commonly considered “not existing” so that he doesn't have to return it to the opponent. On the other hand, money spent for living expenses is counted “existing”, because it lets him escape paying the same sum of money from his savings.I take objection to such common view in this paper. Profiteer should pay the whole amount of ill-gotten gains including the amusement expense. But he doesn't have to return even the living expenses, when he has no means. I interpret that this is just the effect of good faith.
立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.57-66, 2012-03-01

There were two psychologists, Karl Buhler and Alfred Adler, who had taught Popper. Popper rarely confessed his intellectual debt, but he exceptionally said that he owed to Karl Buhler. On the other hand, Popper condemned Adler's Individual Psychology as a pseudo-science. However, as we read Adler, we are surprised to find that Popper was greatly influenced by Adler in various points such as the logic of social situation, optimism, the regulative idea of the absolute truth, the view of science as modified commonsense and so on. Popper accepted Buhler’s psychology of learning. Viewing from these contexts, it seems to us that Popper’s thought was not original at all. However Popper changed the psychology of learning into the logic of scientific learning and proposed falsificationist methodology of science. His originality is found in this point.
立花 希一
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.57-66, 2012-03

There were two psychologists, Karl Buhler and Alfred Adler, who had taught Popper. Popper rarely confessed his intellectual debt, but he exceptionally said that he owed to Karl Buhler. On the other hand, Popper condemned Adler's Individual Psychology as a pseudo-science. However, as we read Adler, we are surprised to find that Popper was greatly influenced by Adler in various points such as the logic of social situation, optimism, the regulative idea of the absolute truth, the view of science as modified commonsense and so on. Popper accepted Buhler's psychology of learning. Viewing from these contexts, it seems to us that Popper's thought was not original at all. However Popper changed the psychology of learning into the logic of scientific learning and proposed falsificationist methodology of science. His originality is found in this point.
服部 裕 HATTORI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. The humanities & the social sciences (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.54, pp.37-43, 1999-03-29

Die beiden Filme, "Modern Times" und "Metropolis" , teilen dasselbe Thema, das in der Kritik an der kapitalistischen modernen Zivilisation besteht. Im kritischen Licht stellen sie die mechanisierte Lage der Menschen in der hochindustrialisierten Gesellschaft dar, die Entfremdung und Manipulierung des Individuums verursacht. Welche Weltanschauung und welches Werturteil die beiden Filme in ihren Zivilisationskritiken zeigen, ist jedoch anders, ja sogar gegensä tzlich. Einerseits wurzelt die Zivilisationskritik in "Modern Times" im Glauben an den Individualismus, andererseits beruht diejenige in"Metropolis" auf dem Autoritarismus. Chaplin sucht in "Modern Times" ständig als Individuum seine Freiheit zu erringen, während die Menschen in "Metropolis" nur erwarten, aus ihrer unterdrückten Lagegerettet zu werden, indem sie sich "einen guten Herrscher" wünschen, der sie zu ihrer Befreiung führen sollte. Diese gegensätzlichen Einstellungen zum Leben, die trotz derselben Zeitlage parallel bestehen,werden nicht auf verschiedene persönliche Weltanschauungen der beiden Filmautoren, C. Chaplin und F. Lang, zurückgeführt, sondern spiegeln die gegensä tzlichen Weltanschauungen der Gesellschaften wider,in denen die beiden Regisseure lebten.
西台 満 NISHIDAI Michiru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.61-67, 2013-03-31

I discussed the standard of proof in the criminal suit under the title of ‘‘The Principle of the Free Discretion of Judges as to the Probative Value of Evidence and ‘the Degree of Proof’ ”published in Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University No.65, 2010. I insisted there that ‘‘the preponderance of evidence” would be enough for the prosecution to convict the accused of a crime. In the same way as in the criminal case, a plaintiff does not have to produce evidence to such an extent as to make the judge confident that his claim is well-grounded. Because it is not going too far to say that both parties have no conclusive evidence in the civil action. ‘‘The Burden of Proof” nowadays hotly disputed in the Civil Proceedings Law Society, therefore, is a sterile flower caused by the unreasonable demand from the plaintiff.
三宅 良美
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.85-94, 2013-03-31

渡辺 英夫
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要. 人文科学・社会科学 = Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University. 秋田大学教育文化学部編集委員会 編 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.130-120, 2013-03

The general of Tokugawa shogunate gave daimyos "Ryochi-hannmotsu", the certificate of the governance on the region and "Ryochi-mokuroku", which describes the contents of the region. However, Ryochi-hannmotsu from the first general Ieyasu Tokugawa to Daimyo Satake in 1602 did not contain "Kokudaka", the size of the region. Daimyo Satake got Ryochi-hannmotsu and Ryochi-mokuroku for the first time from the fourth general Ietsuna Tokugawa in 1664. Although the kokudaka in the Ryochi-hannmotsu was 200000-koku, the sumu of the kokudaka at each district described in the Ryochi-mokuroku was 199320-koku. This paper focused on this discrepancy for the first time and provided the premise to investigate the 200000-koku region of Daimyo Satake assured by the general.
清水 貴裕 SHIMIZU Takahiro
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学部門 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.64, pp.27-31, 2009-03-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of expectancy and attitude toward hypnosis onhypnotic susceptibility. Participants rated an attitude toward hypnosis questionnaire and a hypnotic stateexpectancy questionnaire. Then, they completed the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, FormA. Factor analysis of the hypnotic state expectancy questionnaire yielded two factors: expectancy for lossof control and released potentiality. The result of two-way analysis of variance showed a significant interaction.Low expectancy for loss of control participants demonstrated increased hypnotic susceptibility fromlow to high level of attitude toward hypnosis. This finding suggest the importance to investigate effects ofexpectancy and attitude in terms of interactive these variables.
桂 博章 KATSURA Hiroaki
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学自然科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.69, pp.37-44, 2014-03-31

Provincial performing arts in Akita prefecture called “Sasara” can be sketchily grouped into two styles and respective manner of Sasaras are mainly distributed in Northern and Central (Senboku) regions of the prefecture. Additionally, each local settlement has characteristic manner of Sasara, and each Sasara is supposed to have been established under influence of different kind of Sasaras performed in other regions, which have been brought on by “Wakaze”, labors of farming families, and transmitted by some reasons. In Tsuzureko (Kita-Akita city) and Fujikoto (Fujisato town) areas located on the Northern part of the prefecture, Sasaras have been separately handed down by both “Kami(Upper) and Shimo(Lower) communities. Rivalry between the communities as well as a system encouraging children to participate in Sasaras could have contributed to carrying on the tradition. In these areas, some community associations are taking certain role in handing down provincial performing arts across the entire community and cultivating successors, which might be a good role model to maintain the traditions going.
立花 希一
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.63, pp.1-12, 2008-03

Descartes (lS96-16SOlis the first figure who proposed body-mind dualism based on his own rational arguments, not based on any allegorical or philosophical interpretations of the Bible, which was primarily acceptedas the absolute authority. In this paper I critically examine Descartes' arguments, and point out his wrong strategy. that is, we ought to exclude as false all these things of which we may doubt. I claim that Descartes' philosophical opinion is not the sole absolutely certain truth, and I propose another option.