藤井 範久 森脇 俊道
バイオメカニズム (ISSN:13487116)
vol.11, pp.167-178, 1992-05-20 (Released:2016-12-05)

In order to improve human performance in competitive sports, human motions have been analyzed from various viewpoints. One of the well-known methods is to compare the patterns of joint torques with those of top athletes during the motions. However, such comparisons are not necessarily sufficient to evaluate human motion, since individual differences in muscular forces and anatomical characteristics are not taken into consideration. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump (squat jump) motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular forces. The vertical jump motions of four male subjects were analyzed; their anatomical characteristics are similar, but the muscular force characteristics are different. Each subject performed a squat jump, in response tothe command "jump ashigh as possible," from an initial squat position with 90°hip and knee angles. The reaction force from the platform, the motions of the limb and the body, and the electromyographic (EMG) data were recorded. In order to estimate the optimal control for vertical jump motion under various conditions, a simulation system is applied which is based on the musculoskeletal model with the mean characteristics of muscular forces and the anatomical parameters of the four subjects chosen. In order to investigate the relationship between the optimal vertical jump motion and the mechanical characteristics of muscular force, a series of simulations was carried out by varying the parameters of the musculoskeletal model, such as the force-velocity relationship and the maximum contraction force. The following conclusions are derived from the results of the experiments and the simulations. (1) Change in the force-velocity relationship of human muscles results in a change in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that the contraction velocity of muscles does not become extremely large. (2) Changes in maximum contraction forces of some muscles result in changes in the optimal vertical motion and the sequence of the firing pattern of muscles, so that each muscle contracts under the optimal condition for the vertical jump. (3) The firing pattern of muscles is governed by the relationship between the anatomical characteristics and the muscular forces, and the timing of firing is determined by the relationship between the firing patterns and the maximum muscular forces. (4) The maximum contraction forces and the force-velocity relationship have to be improved in order to improve vertical jump performance.
岩田 一明 森脇 俊道 川野 常夫
一般社団法人 日本人間工学会
人間工学 (ISSN:05494974)
vol.17, no.5, pp.239-247, 1981
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椅子から起立し再び着席する動作について動力学的観点から解析を行い, 動作に及ぼす加齢の影響について検討を加えた. 動作の撮影には16ミリシネカメラを用い, グラフィック・タブレットにより運動情報をミニコンピュータ内に取り込み, 人体の2次元数学モデルに基づいて身体各関節に作用する力やトルクを計算した.<br>実験は22歳から80歳までの男性被験者19名について行い, 解析の結果, 加齢と共に身体各関節運動における協調性の欠如から動作に滑らかさがなくなることが定量的に求められた. 動作中腰に作用するトルクの最大値は加齢と共に若干減少するが, 特に目前のテーブルに手をつくことにより平均20%低下することなどが得られた.
森脇 俊道 杉村 延広 MARTAWIRYA Yatna. Y. 蜷川 達也
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.58, no.549, pp.1674-1679, 1992-05-25

This paper deals with an object-oriented modeling of an autonomous distributed manufacturing system and its application to the production scheduling. The architecture of the autonomous distributed manufacturing systems is discussed from the viewpoint of information processing in the manufacturing system. An object-oriented modeling method is applied to describe the decision-making activities and the communication activities of the components, such as the manufacturing devices and the workpieces. The activities of the objects are discussed in detail from the viewpoint of the production scheduling. The contents of the objects are clarified, and the part-of relations and the is-a relations between the objects are also established. A distributed production scheduling method is proposed on the basis of the autonomous decision making of the individual components and their coordinations.