井原 英有 丸山 琢雄 近藤 宣幸 島 博基 植松 邦夫
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.49, no.10, pp.575-578, 2003-10

陰嚢内容の異常を主訴とした男性患者において陰嚢部超音波検査を行った.精巣を10Mhzのリニア型のプローベを用いて観察し, 1画面に5個以上の石灰化を認めるものをclassic type(CTM), 5個未満をlimited type(LTM)と分類した.今迄に14例に精巣微小石灰化を認め, このうち6例がLTM, 8例がCTMであり, CTMの1例に精巣癌の合併を認めた.受診理由は急性精巣上体炎が最も多く, 精液瘤や静脈瘤等も認められたが, LTMとCTMとの間に明らかな差はなかった.検査所見では, 急性精巣上体炎と精管炎の5例がクラミジアが陽性であった.他に淋病とモルガン菌を1例づつ認めた.精液検査を2例で行い, うち1例で軽度の乏精子症を認めた.腫瘍マーカーを5例で検査したが, 全て正常範囲であった
小谷 広子 阪下 裕子 林 和加子 吉田 君子 松田 実 植松 邦夫
日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871193)
vol.19, no.2, pp.226-230, 1980-04-25

A case of mesothelioma of the peritoneum with asbestosis of the lung was reported. Cytological examination of the peritoneal effusion was performed in this case, which was histologically diagnosed to have malignant mesothelioma. Characteristic findings of malignant cells are as follows: Tumor ceils appeared singly or as groups consisting of a few〜 many cells. Some of these cells were overlapping each other. The cytoplasm was abundant and its perinuclear area was staind lightly pale or sometimes appeared to be eosinophilic, with a gradual transition to a deep stain at the periphery. Cytoplasmic rims were distinct and sometimes blister-like protrusions appeared after application of the Giemsa' stain. Nuclei were round or oval and mainly central in location. Their borders were smooth. The chromatin content was increased and chromatin was finely granular with occasional prominent clumps of chromatin. There could be seen 1〜4 small nucleoli and, sometimes, 1〜2 large irregular-shaped nucleoli. Single tumor cells were large and often multinucleated. Mitoses occured in a small number of tumor cells. Thick strand-like, dark clumping or finely granular PAS-positive substances were irregularly distributed in the cytoplasm, sometimes the whole of the cytoplasm was stained as a ring. Vacuolated cytoplasm gave a negative reaction to staining. Vacuolated cytoplasm and a part of the cytoplasmic border were stained positive by alcian blue staining.