横井 和彦 高 明珠
經濟學論叢 (ISSN:03873021)
vol.64, no.1, pp.103-143, 2012-07

研究ノート(Note)清朝政府は,19世紀半に開国を余儀なくされるとともに西洋技術導入政策を展開した.その1つが留学生派遣であった.1872年,最初にアメリカに派遣したのちは,イギリス・フランスに派遣した.日清戦争後,派遣先は日本に転換した.日本留学生数は1906年には1万人を超え,隆盛期を迎えたが,両国で各々留学生の質や日本留学の質が問題となり,隆盛期は終焉した.こうした留学生派遣政策の展開を検証し,さらに日本の留学生派遣政策との比較によって問題点とその原因を検討した.Between the 1860s and 1890s the Qing government felt compelled to implement a series of open-door policies in order to introduce western intelligence into China, one of which was to send students overseas. The Qing government intermittently sent approximately 200 students to the United States, Britain, and France between 1872 and 1890. However, the main destination for overseas students shifted to Japan after China's defeat in the Sino–Japan war of 1895. The number of Chinese studying in Japan peaked at 10,000 in 1906, but then plummeted because of the Qing government's tight policy on retaining the quality of overseas students. This article describes the background and problems of these policies by means of a comparison with Japan in the Meiji period.