横川 潤
湘南フォーラム = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02-01

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.
横川 潤
生活科学研究 = Bulletin of Living Science (ISSN:02852454)
vol.35, pp.11-21, 2013-03-01

飲食店企画のマーケティング・アプローチに関して、その概念的フレームとありうべきプロセスの流れをコトラー(Kotler,P.) の考えに依拠し、かつ教育実践での手順を念頭に置いて論じた。コトラーによればマーケティングは企業のミッション、ビジョン、戦略策定を主導し、次のような意思決定が含まれる。すなわち訴えるべき顧客、満足させるべきニーズ。提供すべき製品やサービスの内容。設定すべき価格、送受信すべきコミュニケーション、選択すべき流通チャネル、形成すべきパートナーシップである。この視座を受けて飲食店企画マーケティングでは、以下の必須7項目を順次検討すべきとして、その内容を詳述した。①コーポレートミッション②マーケット・セグメンテーションとプライムターゲットの設定③ニーズ分析④ポジショニングとブランディング⑤マーケティングミックス⑥SWOT分析⑦アベセデスマトリクス。
横川 潤
湘南フォーラム (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.
横川 潤
湘南フォーラム (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02 (Released:2014-06-11)

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.