横川 潤
湘南フォーラム = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02-01

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.
渡辺 陽菜 井上 節子
湘南フォーラム = Shonan Forum : Journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.111-118, 2014-02-01

玄米には抗酸化作用を示すフィチン酸(IP6)が多く含まれているため、健康志向の一つとして、“玄米食”が注目されている。一方で、フィチン酸のリン酸基とミネラル元素が結合し、体外に排出されるため、玄米摂取によるミネラル阻害という問題が報告されている。そこで、玄米のミネラル阻害を抑制するために、フィチン酸に含まれるリン酸基の一部を脱リン酸し、摂取する方法の検討を行った。玄米を調味料として用いられる食塩水(塩化ナトリウム)で洗浄し、結合しているリン酸基の変化を調べた。さらに、フィチン酸含量が少ない精白米と、玄米の抗酸化力の違いを調べた。 米粉、玄米粉、発芽玄米粉のフィチン酸(IP6)とイノシトール5リン酸(IP5)量を、液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)で測定した。IP6は玄米粉、発芽玄米粉に多く、IP5は玄米粉に多く含まれていたが、米粉では両成分が低値を示した。 ?また、玄米粉を塩化ナトリウム溶液(0.5 、1.0 、3.0 、5.0%濃度) で洗浄し、HPLC によって、水溶性抽出分と脂溶性抽出分に分け、各抽出分のIP6、IP5、イノシトール4リン酸(IP4)の定量を行った。IP6は脂溶性抽出に多く含まれ、IP5とIP4は水溶性抽出分に多く含まれていた。また、洗浄に使用した塩化ナトリウム濃度が大きくなると、IP6、IP5、IP4濃度が高くなった。米粉と玄米粉を同様に塩化ナトリウム溶液で洗浄し、その後、抗酸化力の指標である過酸化脂質生成量の変化をTBARS(八木)法で調べた。塩化ナトリウム濃度が高くなると、米粉では過酸化脂質量の増加がみられたが、玄米ではその増加が見られなかった。この事から、玄米粉は白米粉と比べ、過酸化脂質生成が抑制される事が明らかになった。
森 憲一
湘南フォーラム : 文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan Forum : journal of the Shonan Reserch Institute, Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
no.24, pp.31-39, 2020-03

We are surrounded by storylike information that is composed of "lines" connecting facts. However, those "lines" are not necessarily fact. Facts that are told as a storyline, rather than fragmentary one, enable audience to understand overall concept easily. It even helps them to use their imagination beyond the facts, which might make the information more valuable to them. However, in the process of forming a story, some certain facts may be omitted. It's also possible facts may get connected in incorrect orders, which leads the relation of cause and effect to be reversed. Given audience trusts Japanese TV media to provide information in a fair and public manner, it is critical to ponder on how they should convey information. This thesis, in this sense, aims to clarify difference between TV media and other media such as Social Networking Service. Furthermore, it examines objectivity of the information that TV media broadcast.
奥田 孝晴
湘南フォーラム : 文教大学湘南総合研究所紀要 = Shonan forum : journal of the Shonan Research Institute Bunkyo University (ISSN:18834752)
vol.21, pp.19-42, 2017-03-19

This paper has focused on the issue of existing unequal power structures in the world, as well as those in Japan in similar shape. So-called center-periphery relation being formed by irrational sociopolitical alienation can be typically found between Tokyo and Tohoku, northeast part of Japan that has been established in historical perspective. Tohoku has been discriminated as backward region for a long time as well as it has been designated as mono-cultured production base of rice and raw silk like inner colony from the Japanese successive authorities. Due to its oppressed position, however, Tohoku had splendid thinkers of radical critics in the past.For Example, Shoueki ANDHO criticized exploitation of the feudal establishment in the Edo era in the 17th century from viewpoint of his ideal of equal and ecological society. And Kanji ISHIWARA, a prominent military strategist of the Showa era in the 20th century schemed to make Imperial Japan be freed from its inferior status as “periphery” in the established global imperialist order through winning final war against the Unite States as “center” of it. In this paper, the author has made an academic trial to show the existing center-periphery structure in the Japanese society through critical thinking on historical perspective and tried to find wisdom for solution from viewpoint of our globalization studies as intellectual movement.
横川 潤
湘南フォーラム (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.
渡辺 陽菜 井上 節子
湘南フォーラム (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.111-118, 2014-02

玄米には抗酸化作用を示すフィチン酸(IP6)が多く含まれているため、健康志向の一つとして、"玄米食"が注目されている。一方で、フィチン酸のリン酸基とミネラル元素が結合し、体外に排出されるため、玄米摂取によるミネラル阻害という問題が報告されている。そこで、玄米のミネラル阻害を抑制するために、フィチン酸に含まれるリン酸基の一部を脱リン酸し、摂取する方法の検討を行った。玄米を調味料として用いられる食塩水(塩化ナトリウム)で洗浄し、結合しているリン酸基の変化を調べた。さらに、フィチン酸含量が少ない精白米と、玄米の抗酸化力の違いを調べた。 米粉、玄米粉、発芽玄米粉のフィチン酸(IP6)とイノシトール5リン酸(IP5)量を、液体クロマトグラフィー(HPLC)で測定した。IP6は玄米粉、発芽玄米粉に多く、IP5は玄米粉に多く含まれていたが、米粉では両成分が低値を示した。 また、玄米粉を塩化ナトリウム溶液(0.5 、1.0 、3.0 、5.0%濃度) で洗浄し、HPLC によって、水溶性抽出分と脂溶性抽出分に分け、各抽出分のIP6、IP5、イノシトール4リン酸(IP4)の定量を行った。IP6は脂溶性抽出に多く含まれ、IP5とIP4は水溶性抽出分に多く含まれていた。また、洗浄に使用した塩化ナトリウム濃度が大きくなると、IP6、IP5、IP4濃度が高くなった。米粉と玄米粉を同様に塩化ナトリウム溶液で洗浄し、その後、抗酸化力の指標である過酸化脂質生成量の変化をTBARS(八木)法で調べた。塩化ナトリウム濃度が高くなると、米粉では過酸化脂質量の増加がみられたが、玄米ではその増加が見られなかった。この事から、玄米粉は白米粉と比べ、過酸化脂質生成が抑制される事が明らかになった。
横川 潤
湘南フォーラム (ISSN:18834752)
vol.18, pp.103-110, 2014-02 (Released:2014-06-11)

In these days, analog record, or vinyl, has been popular among music fan in Japan. The interest feature is that big fans of vinyl often seek for Original press so eagerly. The purpose of this paper is to consider the reason of their enthusiasm for Original press and examine its cases. As an example, the case of Beatles is examined and the idea that strong favoritism, that is somewhat resemble to religiousness, toward Original press is under the charisma of the musician is presented. At last, ethical matters are discussed from the view point of Buddhism. The excessive enthusiasm toward Original record or collecting records sometimes lead people to unethical mental condition. It is not necessarily to say wrong to collect records but fans should know the risk and set the limit for their desire.