伊藤 澄夫 武田 寿 小林 昭彦 桜井 裕之 多田 善彦 青木 岳 細貝 猛 山中 崇彰 石綿 肇
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.34, no.3, pp.254-256_1, 1993

輸入ウオッカ中のフタル酸ジブチル (DBP) の簡易で迅速な分析法を開発し, 応用を試みた. DBPは試料から<i>n</i>-ヘキサンで抽出, 直接FID付キャピラリーカラムガスクロマトグラフで定量した. 0.5~5.0ppmのDBPを試料に添加したときの回収率は92.7~98.5%であった. 検出限界は0.1ppm, 所要時間は約30分であった. ロシア産ウオッカ15試料について定量を行ったところ, 2試料から0.1及び0.2ppmのDBPが検出された. これらに付いてはGC/MSで確認を行った.
海野 隆哉 大植 英亮 岩田 敏雄 村上 生而 武田 寿一 入沢 賢一
土質工学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03851621)
vol.24, no.1, 1984-03-15

橋梁のスパンの長大化などにより, 基礎構造も大規模なものが要求されてきている。ケーソン基礎を用いる場合が多くなっているが, その欠点を補うため, 地下連続壁井筒が開発されてきている。地下連続壁井筒は継手に不安があったが, ここでは, 鋼製函型継手の実験による信頼度と地下連続井筒について, そして設計と施工の紹介をしている。掘削の精度の進歩, 鉛直継手の試験項目, 載荷方法またその継手の, 総曲げ, 曲げせん断, せん断などの試験の結果を示している。次に, 地下連続壁井筒について, これは東北新幹線福島市内での工事例について述べている。設計の基本的な考え方について示し, 設計計質の結果を示している。そして配筋についても述べている。次に施工について, 施工順序を図に示し, 掘削については, 写真を用いて示している。掘削機としては, ロッド式クラムシェルバケット掘削機を用いている。鉄筋かごは, 基礎形からL形になっている。その組立て, 建込みについて述べ, 最後にコンクリートの打設について述べている。工期も短縮できるとしている。
武田 寿恵
アメリカ研究 (ISSN:03872815)
vol.55, pp.121-139, 2021

<p>Julie Taymor's production of <i>The Lion King</i>, for which she would become the first woman to win a Tony for Best Direction of a Musical, opened at Broadway's New Amsterdam Theatre in 1997. To recreate this story of savannah animals on the stage, Taymor devised a method that she called "the double event," in which each character was simultaneously expressed by an actor's body and an animal mask or puppet. Because the actors' faces were not hidden from the audience by the masks, their skin colors were closely associated with the characters they portrayed. Skin color is a racial characteristic that is easy to identify visually. As Stephanie Leigh Batiste has pointed out, in her book <i>Darkening Mirrors</i>(2011), the skin color of African-American actors becomes part of their performance, especially in the theater. Recognizing this, Taymor deliberately cast African and Black actors, using "color-conscious casting," which consciously incorporates actors' racial characteristics as production elements. By presenting the "color" of African actors to audiences in this way, she embodied an important theme of the musical: "the power of Africa."</p><p>By contrast, the "color" of the white actors was rendered indistinguishable through facial makeup. This paper pays particular attention to the villain Scar, who is typically played by a white actor. Just as in the film on which the musical was based, Scar was the only lion who spoke with a British accent. He was depicted as a "white presence" with a stereotypical Shakespearean actor's performance style and mannerisms. In his book <i>The Great White Way</i>(2014), Warren Hoffman has argued that the "white people" who appear in most Broadway musicals are positioned as a raceless norm that cannot engender racial problems. By using makeup to paint Scar, the "white presence," brown, Taymor made it impossible for audiences to interpret Scar as a "white person."</p><p>This paper refers to the three-layered structure assigned to <i>The Lion King'</i>s white actors—actor body, animal mask, and artificial color—as "the triple event." In doing so, it demonstrates how skillfully obscuring the color of white actors can effectively force "color-blind casting." By deliberately combining color-conscious casting for Black actors with forced color-blind casting for white actors, Taymor created a phenomenon that can reasonably be considered a form of "reverse racism," as described by Anne Nicholson Weber in <i>Upstaged: Making Theatre in the Media Age</i>(2006) In disguising the color of white actors, the triple event became a pioneering staging method, serving to overturn the racial privilege of white actors.</p>