船瀬 親王 毛利 元昭 Cichocki Andrzej 内匠 逸
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. NC, ニューロコンピューティング (ISSN:09135685)
vol.110, no.295, pp.43-45, 2010-11-11

We have been studied saccade-related EEG signal before eye movements to develop Brain Computer Interface. In previous studies, we tried to comfirm relationship between saccadic eye movement and EEG signals recorded in visually guided saccade task(The eye movement in visually duided saccade tasks is not a voluntary eye movement perfectly). In these results, we observed sharply changed EEG signals just before eye movements in occipital lobe. The saccade-related EEG signals have sharp change in right occipital lobe when subjects moves their eyes to right side and these EEG signals have shrp change in left occipital lobe when subject moves their eyes to left side. In this paper, we recorded EEG signals in memory guided saccade task(The eye movement in memory guided saccade tasks is a voluntary eye movement) and comfirmed relationship between EEG signals and brain processing in saccade. As this results, we observed differences of the sharply changed EEG signal just before eye movements between visually guided saccade task and memory guided saccade tasks. Next, in order to focus on another saccade-related EEG signals, we do not use hi-pass filter (cut-off: 4Hz). As this resutls, we observed EEG signals which resemble contingent negative variation.