水野 達朗
no.30, pp.193-206, 2007-03-30

Kunikida Doppo, embedded during the Japanese-Sino war, wrote in Aitei Tsuusin about the "Chosen" he saw while aboard a warship sailing north, saying "But my brothers, the view of the Daidou inlet, the situation of the thatched houses of Chosen, my feelings now. I have no time to write in detail of them now." He goes so far as to express that he will "not write" of anything that he has seen of "Chosen", which is in contrast to others, such as Matsubara Iwagorou, also dispatched from Minyuusha, and in writing for Seijin Yoroku shows his intention to make clear the "situation inside Korea", writing "in detail" of the "reality of the Chosen thatched houses", in passages like "They pile rocks to build an enclosure, bind grass and make it a roof, build something of a wall with earth, and with logs" Doppo's hesitance to write is also revealed in passages like "So, it seems there is not a lack of things to experience. However, this is only a fleeting sense of novelty". Although it is possible to follow his writing towards a "view of Chosen" or "representation of Chosen", the meaning of his hesitancy to write in itself as it appears in this scene requires an internal examination of the relationship between expression of "Chosen" by Doppo and other embedded journalists and the problem of "expression" in Japanese literature at the time. In this example, it is clear that depicting visual scenes creates deep frustration for Doppo. Looking at his feelings as only lasting for a "fleeting" moment indicated that Doppo drew serious questions on himself as to what was worth writing about. At the time , when the boarders of "literature" were being redefined in Japan, there was an orientation towards depicting things as they are "realistically", while the "meaning" of expressions guaranteed through traditional representations were losing their stability. In this presentation, we will examine the mechanisms that surface when "Chosen" becomes the object of realism and the frustrations of writers in "expressing" Chosen, then look at what possibilities and problems were involved in developing "modern" literary expression inside the cultural environment of East Asia.
水野 達朗
比較文学・文化論集 (ISSN:0911341X)
vol.21, pp.42-60, 2004-03-30