江部 康二
脂質栄養学 (ISSN:13434594)
vol.26, no.1, pp.47-57, 2017 (Released:2017-05-21)

The effectiveness and safety of the conventional diabetes treatment is negative in RCT and RCT meta analysis having high reliability. In other words, take carbohydrate commonly and aiming at blood sugar control by medical treatment strictly, the profit is very few and is degree offset by a hypoglycemia risk. After take carbohydrate, always occurs postprandial hyperglycemia and glucose swing, as a results oxidative stress occurs, and it is with the risk of complications. The hypoglycemia risk occurs if doctor give strict medical treatment. They do notproduce with carbohydrate restriction diet. It was said that American DiabetesAssociation(ADA)did not recommend a carbohydrate restriction diet until 2007, but accepted it in“Nutrition Therapy Recommendations for the Management of Adults With Diabetes”formally in October, 2013. The brain cardiovascular event outbreak has nothing to do with a saturated fatty acid intake.“There is no risk of the coronary disease in a low carbohydrate high-fat high-protein meal”and “There is no cardiovascular disease risk improvement effect to low lipid food” articles having high reliability of these three conclusions is reported. The long-term safety of the carbohydrate restriction diet maintained the same and was secured. Furthermore, by carbohydrate restriction diet practice, blood sugar level, HbA1c, acylglycerol level, HDL cholesterol level are improved. The LDL cholesterol level often becomes the standard value in the long term, too. In other words, because all the arteriosclerotic risk factors are improved, and so the long-term prognosis of the carbohydrate restriction diet is very likely good.
江部 康二
公衆衛生 (ISSN:03685187)
vol.80, no.10, pp.743-748, 2016-10-15

従来の糖尿病食(エネルギー制限・高糖質食)は糖尿病を増加させる—久山町研究 久山町は,福岡市の東に隣接する,人口8,000人足らずの町である.1961年から九州大学医学部が,ずっと継続して40歳以上の全住民を対象に研究を続けている.5年に一度の健康診断の受診率は約80%で,他の市町村に比し高率である.また,死後の剖検率も82%の住民において実施されていて,精度の高い研究の支えとなっている. 1961年当時,日本の脳卒中死亡率は非常に高く問題となっていたが,久山町の研究により,高血圧が脳出血の最大の原因であることが判明した.それを受けて,食事の減塩指導や降圧剤の服用で血圧のコントロールを行ったところ,久山町の脳卒中は1970年代には3分の1に激減した.