金城 邦夫 小濱 継雄 垣花 廣幸 Kinjo Kunio Kohama Tsuguo Kakinohana Hiroyuki 沖縄県ミバエ対策事業所 Okinawa Prefectural Fruit Fly Eradication Project Office
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.26, no.1, pp.25-30, 1991-07

照屋 匡 Teruya Tadashi 沖縄県ミバエ対策事業所
沖縄農業 (ISSN:13441477)
vol.32, no.1, pp.62-67, 1997-08

台湾におけるバナナセセリとその寄生蜂を調べるために1993年9月15日から21日まで台湾で調査した.調査は,バナナ栽培地域であり台湾バナナ研究所のある屏東縣を主として,高雄縣や台北市でも行った.バナナセセリは台湾北端の台北市や南端の恒春市でも多数見つかり,台湾島全域での分布が示唆された.バナナの被害葉面積率を基にして算出した被害度は,いわゆるプランテーションでは0.1%以下ときわめて低かった.比較的被害の大きいとみられる圃場を選んで調査したにもかかわらず,最も被害度の高かった圃場で約7%でしかなく,台湾のバナナセセリ個体群密度の低さを示した.今回の調査では本種の寄生蜂を採集するには至らなかった.台湾における本種関連の文献の内容を要約し,現地における関係者との意見交換で得られた知見も追加した.A survey of the banana skipper, Erionata torus Evans, and its hymenopterous parasitoids was made in Taiwan during the period, Sept. 15-21, 1993 to explore the possibility of introducing the hymenopterous parasitoids of the skipper into Okinawa. The survey was conducted in three places in Taiwan-Pingtung County and Kaohsiung County,which are famous for banana production, and Taipei. The skipper was found in Hengchun and Taipei which are located near the southern and the northern extremities of Taiwan, respectively, suggesting that the exotic pest has already spread throughout Taiwan Island. Infestation rates of the skipper on bananas were roughly calculated on the basis of percentage of infested leaf area in the surveyed plantations and fields. The infestation rates in plantations were less than 0.1%. The average rate was ca. 4% and maximum rate in a field was ca. 7%. The results indicate that the skipper has a low pest status in Taiwan. Hymenopterous parasitoids of the skipper were not found in the present survey though some parasitoids of this butterfly are known in Taiwan. Literature on the skipper in Taiwan is also reviewed, and new information on the species from other sources is presented.