沼田 眞
公益社団法人 日本植物学会
植物学雑誌 (ISSN:0006808X)
vol.62, no.729, pp.35-38, 1949

1) Sampling methods in the statistics of plant communities are<br>1&deg;purposive selection by some standard areas<br>2&deg;random sampling by the theory of large samples<br>3&deg;random sampling (areal sampling) by the theory of small samples. We have used the first or second method till now but in plant ecology we are ought to use the third method from now on.<br>2) From the theory of small samples, the confidential interval of population mean is<br>x+d_??_m_??_x-d, d=&tau;u/&radic;N<br>(d is the deviation of the sample mean from the populatin mean under the level of significance &alpha;) The h=d/x will become an indicator of the homogeneity of a plant community. For example, I calculated &ldquo;the coefficient of homogeneity&rdquo; to study various distribution of species on the <i>Ophioglossum</i> <i>thermale-Imperata cylindrica</i> var. <i>Konigii</i>-soc. at Futtu sea-shore of Chiba pref.<br>3) We can know the homogeneity of distribution of a species by the coefficient (h) and then deside the number of sampling quadrats to estimate an analytical character of a community.
沼田 眞
公益社団法人 日本植物学会
植物学雑誌 (ISSN:0006808X)
vol.63, no.745, pp.149-154, 1950

1) I investigated the quantitative method analysing vegetation according to the theory of small samples.<BR>2) It is recognized by most investigators that we ought to use the random sampling in our field survey, but we often based its method on subjective randomizaton.<BR>3) Sampling error is controlled by vegetational homogeneity and sampling ratio. And I could not compare several sampling methods by means of sampling error.<BR>4) The best stratification is the worst clusterization. Those order is expressed by coefficient of interclass correlation (&rho;') and also the quality of sampling method is decided by the coefficient.<BR>5) The stratification by means of a dominant does not coincide with the one by means of the whole physiognomy.The latter is better.<BR>6) The significance of difference between several sampling methods is indicated by analysis of variance.Relative number of sampling units required for a given accuracy according to samling methods is calculated from average comparable variance.
沼田 眞
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.21, no.1, pp.1-10, 1984

植生帯と気候帯の関係はマクロにはよく一致するが, それは静気候学的観点に立った温度と降水量で説明される.日本の極相林帯は気候型との関連でたびたび論じられているが, ヨーロッパの考え方と一致しない.とくに亜寒帯や亜熱帯, ひいては温帯の概念が違う.ブナ林やカシ林の現在および氷河時代の北限と南限が年平均気温や最寒月の月平均気温との関係で論じられた.このごろの世界の植生図では, 気候の名称を冠さないで図化する方法がとられることが多い.しかし, 日本の植生帯やHoldridgeのシステムでは, 植生帯と気候帯を直接対応させている.<BR>また, 水平および垂直的な植生帯区分については多くの試みがあり, 極相, 二次植生, 群系, 群集, 植物気候, 植物区系, 種の分布などによる方法が可能である.<BR>一方, 気候帯区分については, 風系や気団による動的気候学の見方に基づくものが提案されている.つまりグローバルな大気循環に基づいて, 水平的な気候帯のみならず, 山の垂直的な気候帯を考えることも可能であり, その見地から植生帯を見直すことが必要である.