法岡 淑子
滋賀大学教育学部紀要. 人文科学・社会科学・教育科学 (ISSN:05830044)
vol.42, pp.179-193, 1992

Although it has been said that there are at least one or two children in a class of any school who cannot carry a tune, the actual state and the causes of their trouble have hardly been clarified so far. In this connection, our fact, finding team has made a survey concerning to what extent children from 4 to 15 ages(from kindergartens to junior high schools in A-ichi Prefecture)are able to sing correctly in tune. We asked musicteachers to grade children into five levels. Our survey shows that there is a remarkable difference between boys and girls in all the age brackets,(i. e. more boys than girls have pitch trouble),they sing more correctlyas they grow older, how the voice change in puberty causes poor pitch singing, and in what way private music lessons are related to correct pitch singing.