浜 利彦 福岡 峻治
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.71, pp.33-52, 2000-03

本稿は、東京都町田市の横浜線旧原町田駅周辺の中心市街地で、行われた市街地再開発事業等のケーススタデイを通じ、その再開発構想・計画及びその実施過程をあとづけ、これらを規定した諸条件を明らかにしようと試みたものである。特に、この事業を通じ実現された諸権利・諸利益の空間的再編成の意義を考察することにより、商業・業務及び公共スペースの空間的な構成の特徴点を明らかにする。また、事業権利者及び関係者の当該再開発事業に対する立場、果たした役割等を市長との関係を中心に再構成しこれを位置づけ、その分析・評価を試みる。これらにより、この再開発をめぐる政治過程を再構成しつつ、横浜線及び小田急線の両駅の統合、商業中核の形成及びタウンセンターの整備といった事業計画との関連において、市街地再開発の意義を考察し、町田市の繁栄の要因を解明したものである。In this paper, the authors describe the conception, planning and implementation of the urban redevelopment project, and specify the conditions that shaped these processes. The description involves case studies of this project and related ones in the central business district of Machida City. Machida, a thriving commercial district, is one of Tokyo's suburban cities(became a city in 1958), and has a population of about 360 thousand. This redevelopment project involved the moving of Haramachida Station (JR Yokohama Line) closer to Machida Station (Odakyu Line). The two stations were 650 meters apart, creating great inconvenience for people wishing to transfer from one line to the other. Shops around Haramachida Station strongly opposed the plan. This opposition developed into a major battle between local stores, politicians and big businesses wanting to establish department stores and other large commercial facilities. The authors place particular emphasis on clarifying the characteristics of the spatial arrangement of commercial and public spaces, by analyzing the meaning of spatial rearrangement of rights and interests created through the development projects. The authors also analyze and evaluate the positions and roles of titleholders and other interested parties by focusing on their relationship with the city mayor. To show clear reasons for the prosperity in Machida City, the authors attempt to describe the political process of the redevelopment, the meaning of urban redevelopment in relation to the redevelopment plans, the formation of ac ore commercial district, and the improvement of the town center.
浜 利彦
総合都市研究 (ISSN:03863506)
no.74, pp.47-64, 2001-03

本稿は、東京都武蔵野市の国鉄(現JR)中央線吉祥寺駅前で行われた駅周辺再開発事業等に関して、その中心的推進者であった後藤喜八郎氏が市長に就任した1963年前後の計画策定過程及び事業実施過程に関するケーススタディである。特に、難航した計画策定過程をあとづけることを通じて、市長を中心とした当該事業の関係者及び関係組織の特徴並びにその果たした役割を明らかにする。また、当該事業関係者・組織の特徴と役割が当該地区の諸権利、諸利益の空間的再編成にどのように影響を与えたかについて考察する。これらを通じて、当該再開発事業をめぐる政治過程が、実際に行われた事業に対してもつ政治的・社会的意味を解明しようと試みたものである。This paper presents a case study on the process of planning and implementing of urban redevelopment projects in the area surrounding Kichijoji Station, in the City of Musashino. Of a long history of these redevelopment projects, the author focuses on the year 1963 when Kihachirou Goto, a major leader of these projects, first became the mayor of Musashino. The author places particular emphasis on clarifying the characteristics of titleholders and other interested parties by describing and evaluating very difficult planning processes. The author then analyzes how these characteristics inf1uenced the spatial rearrangement of rights and interests in the redevelopment projects in an attempt to explain the meaning of the political process in these actual urban redevelopment projects. Through the political process, the mayor succeeded in creating small coalitions of Storeowners, politicians, and others, and promoted the projects by utilizing these coalitions. These partial coalitions resulted in many fragmented projects in different parts of the town. Department stores were built on the fringe whereas the core commercial district, where it was almost impossible to coordinate the interests of the many small storeowners, was preserved. The coexistence of a variety of stores, complementing and stimulating with each other, then contributed to the creation of very attractive and vigorous town of Kichijoji.