藤野 秀則 浦山 大輝 北村 尊義 石井 裕剛 下田 宏
ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 (ISSN:13447262)
vol.21, no.2, pp.169-186, 2019-05-25 (Released:2019-05-25)

For maintaining resilience of socio-technical systems, it is believed that knowledge sharing among practical ?eld staffs should be a crucial. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to propose a new method to enhance their knowledge sharing effectively. Especially, authors focused on their chats in a refresh room and developed a method to promote their job-related chats in a refresh room by using a large size touch panel display presenting a lot of job-related information. Authors conducted the experiments to examine the effect of developed method. As a result, the expected effect was observed approximately while some possible limitations related to characteristics of job and human relationship among target members were captured. In the conclusion, future works are discussed.