青山 尚之 岩崎 隆之 佐々木 彰 深谷 次助 下河辺 明
公益社団法人 精密工学会
精密工学会誌 (ISSN:09120289)
vol.59, no.6, pp.1007-1012, 1993-06-05 (Released:2009-07-23)
16 21

This paper describes design, fabrication and performance of the miniature walker developed for a new precision production system. This machine consists of piezo-actuators and electromagnetic legs which are synchronized as to move like an inchworm and those elements are jointed mechanically for the machine to walk on any curved surface including a wall and a ceiling. The magnetic forces of this small machine can be remote controlled critically for preventing from slipping and falling down although conventional inchworm mechanisms need some guide rails or are restricted on a horizontal plane. This arrangement also allows the lack of mechanical elements which may provide a very high positioning resolution with a wider working area. In the experiments, our miniature machines which are the size of golf ball are fabricated and they can move on any inclined surface with continuous sub-micron steps. This results means the mini-walkers have the feasibility for applying to a new precision production system where they can cooperate with conventional machines.