永井 宏史 五十嵐 文子 北谷 龍樹 内田 肇 渡邊 龍一 鈴木 敏之 Masoud Shadi Sedghi 長澤 和夫
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 第59回天然有機化合物討論会実行委員会 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.585-590, 2017 (Released:2020-09-20)

Jellyfish, sea anemone and coral are classified as members of the phylum Cnidaria. All cnidarians have a stinging cell, cnidocyte, and its stinging organelle nematocysts. Nematocyst stores venom and coiled needle inside and discharge the needle and inject venom into their prey. Both physical and chemical stimuli trigger nematocyst discharge. A lot of studies on the venom of cnidarians have been accomplished. As the results, it has been revealed that most of cnidarian venoms consisted of proteinaceous toxins. However, there are few studies on the low molecular weight compounds from the cnidarian nematocysts. Therefore, we started the search of low molecular weight compounds in the nematocyst. First target was the venomous jellyfish Chironex yamaguchii (Habu-kurage in Japanese). Nematocysts were isolated from C. yamaguchii tentacles. The isolated nematocyst and C. yamaguchii tentacle without nematocyst were extracted with 1 M NaCl solution using a mini-bead beater machine. The extracts were screened with LC-MS. It was clearly shown that three compounds all of which have [M+H]+ 517 were existed especially in nematocysts. Three compounds were isolated with HPLCs. NMR and MS spectra data of isolated compounds revealed their planar structure as cyclic γ-tetra glutamic acids. The determination of absolute stereochemistry of these compounds was established with organic synthesis, comparing optical rotation values and Marfey’s analysis. Three cyclic γ-tetra glutamic acids were designated as cnidarin4A (1a), cnidarin4B (1b) and cnidarin4C (1c), respectively. Cnidarin4A and cnidarin4B were new compounds. Cnidarin4C was first obtained as the natural product in this study. The existence of these compounds in marine animals has been studied using LC-MS. Cnidarin4s were detected from all the nine tested cnidarians, on the contrary no cnidarin4s were detected from all the seven tested the other phylum animals. Cnidarin4s are especially existed in animals of the phylum Cnidaria. The ecological role of cnidarin4s in cnidarians is a challenging subject to be elucidated.
上野 健一 細川 葵 橋本 諭 及川 寛 柴原 裕亮 松嶋 良次 渡邊 龍一 内田 肇 鈴木敏 之
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.62, no.3, pp.85-93, 2021-06-25 (Released:2021-07-02)

二枚貝の麻痺性貝毒(PSTs)はマウス毒性試験(MBA)で検査されているが,動物愛護に対する社会的関心の高まりとともに高感度・高精度なPSTs分析法も開発され,動物実験代替法の利用が可能となった.本研究では,PSTsのモノクローナル抗体を利用したイムノクロマトキットによるスクリーニング法の開発を試みた.食品衛生法規制値(4 MU/g)を下回る2 MU/gをスクリーニング基準として試験液の希釈倍率を80倍とした条件で試験した.目視に加え,画像解析判定も併せて検証した.MBA 2 MU/g以上の20試験品はすべて本キットで陽性を示し,偽陰性はなかった.また,2 MU/g未満の327試験品のうち偽陽性は3%であった.以上のように,本法は高い正確度を示し,迅速・簡便なPSTsスクリーニング法として有用であることが示された.