清水 賀之 畠山 信夫 花村 英悟 渡部 一雄 横山 由香 益山 忠
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
Journal of MMIJ (ISSN:18816118)
vol.135, no.7, pp.52-62, 2019-07-31 (Released:2019-07-05)

Flow characteristics of slurry with rare-earth rich mud are investigated to examine lifting systems for mining rare-earth elements from deep seabed. Twelve samples, extracted from different locations and depths from seabed around the Minamitorishima with several concentration of rare-earth elements are mixed up with sea water to make slurry with specified volume concentration of mud 1.0% to 10.0%. Cone-plate type rotary viscometers are used to examine relations between shear stress and shear rate of slurry in each volume concentration of mud. As a result, it was found that shape of graph; the shear stress in the vertical axis and the shear rate in the horizontal axis was concave down and increasing during whole range of the shear rate. The shear stress increased gradually as the shear rate increased in case of low volume concentration of mud up to 3.0%. On the other hand, the shear stress changed significantly at small shear rate, and then gradually increased, then lineally in the end in case of larger volume concentration. In addition, similar characteristics under the same volume concentration, even though tested samples were extracted from different locations, depths and concentration of rare-earth elements. Further, three types of fluid model; the Power low model, the Bingham-Papanastasiou model and the Herchel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou model were fitted on the data using the least square techniques, then compared with each other. The last two models, i.e., the Bingham-Papanastasiou model and the Herchel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou model corrects deviations from the data when using “original” the Bingham model and the Herchel-Bulkley model, especially in the range of small shear rate under high volume concentration of mud. The Herchel-Bulkley-Papanastasiou model was the most appropriate model within the three models. Furthermore, correlation equations for parameters of the HerchelBulkley-Papanastasiou model were derived related to volume concentration of mud.
李 雅次 渡部 一雄 吉田 ひかり 吉田 知之 舩坂 宗太郎
耳鼻咽喉科展望 (ISSN:03869687)
vol.36, no.5, pp.657-662, 1993-10-15 (Released:2011-08-10)

慢性副鼻腔炎患者20例に対してクラリスロマイシンを1日朝1回200mg内服投与した。投与開始後1ヵ月目ですでに後鼻漏および嗅覚障害が60%以上改善した。投与開始後3ヵ月目では, すべての評価項目で改善がみられたが, 自覚症状の鼻閉および他覚所見の鼻汁の性状の改善が著しかった。腹痛を訴えた1例が本剤による副作用と思われたが, 投与中止により症状はすみやかに消失した。本剤に対して感受性のない検出菌を認めた症例でも治療効果がみられ, 本治療の効果は単なる抗菌作用ではないことが推察された。
大森 隆広 碓井 隆 渡部 一雄 グェン ミンジュン 下山 勲
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2017, pp.I-4, 2017

Among the many types of sensors for measuring vibration, the AE sensor is designed to measure acoustic emission, i.e., small-amplitude vibration. Most AE sensors use piezoelectric material as transducers. Compared with the piezoelectric sensors, MEMS sensors have beneficial characteristics such as low cost attributable to mass production and smaller size. The SA sensor is a type of MEMS sensor and has broad frequency bandwidth. Exploiting this characteristic, the SA sensor can be used as a multifunctional vibration sensor to measure several frequency ranges conventionally measured by multiple sensors. In this paper, PLB test results measured by SA and AE sensors are evaluated by wavelet transform to investigate the applicability of the SA sensor for AE measurement.