片岡 優子
Human Welfare : HW (ISSN:18832733)
pp.19-31, 2009-03

Taneaki Hara was the pioneer of prison reform and rehabilitation of ex-convicts in Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify his achievements in child abuse prevention, and the significance and the influence of his activities on future generations. Hara was interested about child-rearing since he worked as a prison chaplain. He contributed the article to "KIRISTOKYO SHIMBUN" in 1892 and emphasized the importance of rearing orphans, and equally pointed out the need for adequate child-rearing in mainstream families. The event that led to Hara's engagement in child protection was when he was appointed as the Tokyo District Committee Member of the Okayama Orphanage in 1899. Hara initially got involved in child abuse prevention activities in 1909. The reason why he got started child abuse prevention activities was marked by one day when he was unable to overlook a newspaper article on child abuse. Moreover, he noticed the fact that there were a significant number of prisoners who had been illtreated as children. Hara shared his works on child abuse protection in magazines and through lectures. His work led to the establishment of Child Abuse Prevention Law of 1933 which Hara appealed for necessity of child abuse prevention and the maintenance of the law. Hara's child abuse prevention activities led him to be remembered as the pioneer of the protecting child abuse and neglect in Japan.
片岡 優子
関西学院大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:04529456)
vol.101, pp.99-113, 2006-10

Taneaki Hara is the pioneer of prison reform and rehabilitation of ex-convicts in Japan. The purpose of this study is to clarify his achievements as the prison chaplain of Kushiro shujikan, and as data to accomplish this clarification, sources such as Hara's diary, letters, and theses were used. When Hara was the prison chaplain of Kushiro Shujikan, he was involved in prison reform, instruction, rehabilitation of ex-convicts and Christian mission. In August 1887, when Hara was the prison chaplain of Hyogo Karyukan, he went away on business to Kushio Shujikan to inspect the situation of the prisoners. He saw an incident in which a prisoner was killed by a warden there. He was astonished to see the incident, and reported it to the Department of the Interior. He was requested to become the prison chaplain of Kushio Shujikan by the authorities concerned. So he became the prison chaplain of Kusiro Shujikan and exerted himself to abolish atrocities against the prisoners. He admonished the prisoners, making much of individual treatment. For example, he interviewed prisoners individually in the interview room. Hara's admonishment had a positive effect on the prisoners. And he helped with the rehabilitation of persons who had been discharged by hosting them at his house. He also pursued mission work there. In November 1889, he established Shibecha Church, receiving the support of the Congregational Church.
室田 保夫 今井 小の実 倉持 史朗 原 佳央理 佐野 信三 竹林 徑一 大野 定利 水上 妙子 鎌谷 かおる 片岡 優子 新井 利佳 蜂谷 俊隆
