片岡 弘勝
奈良教育大学紀要. 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-19, 2016-11-30

The purpose of this article is to clarify the base and moment for generating “subjectivity” in UEHARA Senroku’s “The Dead Person and the living person” theroy, by focussing the “imminency” and “responsibility” for “The Dead Person”. This study analyzed UEHARA’s works texts and clarified the following five points.1. UEHARA proposed the idea of “subjectivity of the living person as media of The Dead Person”. This idea rinks to criticism to religion, that implies to find out the human abilities which have been preserved in the form of religion in histroy.2. In the case of being imminet by message of “The Dead Person” who was killed unjustly, “the living person” is stimulated and roaded to must to check and direct own’s living styles and standpoints of valuing. According to this UEHARA’s theory context, “subjectivity of the living person” is founded by listening the wording of “The Dead Person” intently and correctly.3. This study examined to compare UEHARA’s “subjectivity” theory with Emmanuel Lévinas’s “subjectivity” theory(discussed by UCHIDA Tatsuru). Then this study indicated the following two common factors and two different factors in both theories. One factor of the common factors is the idea that wording of “The Dead Person” directs “the living person”. The other factor is the strong intention for recognizing something”(“etwas”) that is cannot be described by present academic methods, namely “extremly complex realties” and “the dynamics and chaos of human mind”.4. One factor of the different factors is following point. Lévinas used wordings of “withdrawing one’s previous statesments”. However UEHARA used wordings of “checking and bounding one’s previous statesments relatively”. The other factor is following point. Lévinas supposed the “subjectivity” to responsibility for “The Dead Person” in relation to absolute “God”. However UEHARA supposed the “subjectivity” to responsibility for “The Dead Person” in relation to historical recognition to the oath of Shakyamuni and Nichiren in Buddhism thoughts.5. On this discussion context, the momnet of UEHARA’s “subjectivity” is “responsibility” for “The Dead Person” as absolute “The Other Being”. Further, the base of UEHARA’s “subjectivity” is the one’s recognition and standpoints for attaching importance to “reverence to human life” in severe situation that all persons are fronted the risk of being killed and becoming assistants of killers.