牧野 眞貴
リメディアル教育研究 (ISSN:18810470)
vol.7, no.2, pp.265-275, 2012-09-30 (Released:2017-06-01)

Low proficiency students generally tend not to show their interest in listening exercises. The author carried out an action research of first-year Japanese low proficiency university students on their listening abilities in class. English songs were brought into class in preparation for the listening exercise and students were keen to listen to them. As a result, they were motivated and actively participated in the listening exercise. After six-week action research was over, students continued listening to English songs as a main listening exercise in class once a week for seven months and their listening ability improved at the end of the term. This paper introduces the way students worked in class and the result of their improvement.
牧野 眞貴
Kinki University English Journal = 近畿大学英語研究会紀要 (ISSN:18827071)
no.7, pp.87-98, 2011-02-01

[要旨] 近年、大学入試制度の変容により、英語嫌いの学生が、英語を勉強せずに入学することが可能になってきた。英語への苦手意識をあらわにする学生を強制的に授業に参加させることは、教師・学生双方にとって苦痛であり、学生の英語嫌いを助長することになる。本研究では、英語が苦手な学生を対象としてアクション・リサーチを行い、教師が授業を振り返り、学生の英語力やクラスの特性に合うよう指導法を見直すことによって、学生の学習姿勢を改善することを目的とした。まず授業における問題点を整理し、指導の過程で学生が自ら授業に参加したいと思うような工夫を凝らし、動機づけを高める励ましのフィードバックを与えた。結果、学生の学習姿勢が大きく改善し、自ら進んで課題に取り組むようになった。アクション・リサーチは、授業の質を高めることを目指す教師にとって非常に有効な研究手法であり、教師と学生の信頼関係構築にも大きく貢献する手段であると言える。 [Abstract] In recent years, a change in university entrance system has allowed students who do not like English and have not studied it to enroll at universities. At university, however, students are forced to take English classes, which are a burden on both teachers and students, and which increase students' loathing for the English language. This study was undertaken to promote a positive learning attitude in sports-recommended students reluctant to learn English. The author modified the lesson plans to meet students' English abilities and characteristic profiles through an action research. She considered the problems confronting the students and then came up with various ideas and solutions, and further provided encouragement to motivate students. As a result, students participated enthusiastically and demonstrated a positive attitude toward English learning. Action research was shown to be an effective method for the teachers who are attempting to raise the quality of learning in a class, and it also contributes to creating a strong relationship between teachers and students.