生方 謙 ウブカタ ケン
自然人間社会 (ISSN:0918807X)
vol.41, pp.63-81,

有賀 誠司 白瀬 英春 山田 佳奈 生方 謙
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.20, pp.33-41, 2008

The purpose of this study is to obtain some basic data on the judogi chin-up training method for improving women judoists KUMITE strength and the testing method for determining its effectiveness. The subjects in this study are women collegiate judoists, concerning whom the number of chin-ups from a suspended judogi was measured. Also examined was the relationship between those results and the practitioners body shape, weight class and other physical strength measurement results along with the technical characteristics of their judo skills. The findings are as follows : 1) The average measurement value of their judogi chin-ups was 5.0 ±3.0 times which was 31 % of men's reported in the past. 2) There was a significant negative correlation between the measurements of their judogi chin-ups and their weight, but there was no significant correlation between the measurements of their judogi chin-ups and their body fat percentage. 3) Regarding the average measurement value of judogi chin-ups by rankings, the average for light weight class was significantly higher than that for middle weight class, and the average for middle weight class was significantly higher than that for heavy weight class. 4) There was a significant positive correlation between the measurements of their judogi chin-ups and their number of chin- ups from a regular bar. But there was a significant negative correlation between the measurement's of their judogi chin-ups and their strength of grip. 5) There was a significant negative correlation between the measurement of their judogi chin-ups and their 1RM of power clean, but there was a significant positive correlation between the measurement of their judogi chin-ups and their 1RM weight ratio for bench press. 6) The measurements of the group of right-hand KUMITE chin-ups tended to show greater values than those of left-hand KUMITE chin-ups. It implied that there was a positive correlation between features of KUMITE and judogi chin-ups. 7) There was no significant correlation between the measurements of their judogi chin-ups and their rankings and records in judo.