森 義則 川口 理作 島田 憲次 生駒 文彦
日本泌尿器科學會雜誌 (ISSN:00215287)
vol.74, no.10, pp.1799-1811, 1983-10-20

1974年から1982年までの9年間に兵庫医科大学泌尿器科において,201例の小児泌尿器科疾患,患者に対して内視鏡手術が施行された.その内訳は,後部尿道弁32例,前部尿道弁4例,先天性球部尿道リング状狭窄135例,後天性尿道狭窄16例,膀胱頚部狭窄8例および尿管瘤6例であった.10Charriereまたは13Charriere幼小児切除鏡を使用した.後部尿道弁および前部尿道弁に対しては TURによる弁の切除が施行されたが,結果はきわめて満足すべきものであった.先天性球部尿道リング状狭窄に対しては直視下内尿道切開が施行されたが, VUR,夜尿症,再発性尿路感染の各々に対して良い結果がみとめられた.後天性尿道狭窄のうち瘢痕組織の強いものでは数回の直視下内尿道切開を要したが,ほぼ満足すべき結果であった.膀胱頚部狭窄に対する TURの効果がはっきりみとめられたものはなかったが,これは小児の膀胱頚部狭窄は他の原因による二次的なものがほとんどであるためと思われた.その他尿管瘤に対する内視鏡手術の適応についても述べた.
高羽 津 中新井 邦夫 生駒 文彦 佐谷 稔 岡本 英三
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.17, no.6, pp.401-413, 1971-06

Complete reduplication of the urinary bladder is a rare con d ition. The patient here reported is 26-month-old girl, who visite d our hospital with chief complaint of anomalous external genitalia. Two external genita l i a were present at distance of about 10 cm, and further examinations revealed multiple malformations. These anomalie s consist in the urinary tract, female genital organs, gastrointestinal tract and skeletal system. In the low er urinary tract, complete reduplication of the urinary bladder was found. It was characteristic that each bladder had its own urethra and received one ureter. In the upper urinary tract left pelvic kidney was also demonstrated, w h ile right kidney was normal in position. Vesicouretera l refluxes were apparent bilaterally. Bilateral imperforated anuses with righ t perineal fistula were seen and roentgenologic examination gave a finding of duplicated rectum, but colonic duplications were not clearly demonstrated. Two appendices had been removed in the course of surgical repair for umbilical hernia at her age of 3 months in another hospital. Diastasis of the pubic bone, separated sacrum and a half vertebra with a rib were observed as the skeletal anomalies. Perineal ano p lasty was performed for a difficulty in defecation. Because of an immaturity and dysfunction of the urinary bladder, which are shown in the cystometrogram and electromyogram of the external vesical sphincter, cosmetic and urological reconstruction is now withheld. Thirty-one cases, i n cluding our own, of the complete reduplication of the urinary bladder were reviewed in the literature and discussed.