井上 敬介 浦山 由巳 上久木田 務 白井 俊光 白木澤 治 杉山 篤央 須藤 眞生 田中 広徳 田原 繁広 那須川 真澄 平原 茂人 堀江 匠 光吉 浩 三原 宏美 宮本 貴之 村上 大吉郎 山中 邦昭
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.17, no.1, pp.5-93, 2015 (Released:2015-08-12)

This publication has been prepared to express a sound and practical view on the better manufacturing environmental control for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms, which has been discussed for several years by a special working group members of Kansai Study Group (KSG) accredited as one of the committees in Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Japan Chapter. The opinions proposed or advanced in the document are formed for the purpose of furnishing a beneficial and valuable guide with advisability to any persons or organizations concerned in establishing appropriate manufacturing control systems for quality products.   The leading topics discussed among the WG are focused on the prevention against cross-contamination and foreign matter ingress, and categorized into five subjects composed of HVAC systems, premises, gowning, cleaning, and cleanliness standards. Constructive and earnest discussion therein has been devoted to the key processes, wherein considerable amounts of powders are handled for the successful operations of weighing, granulation, mixing, and tableting. In the expectation of good usage, many of the principles and the way of thinking presented hereupon, in particular can be applied or rearranged to a wide spectrum of other manufacturing processes for various dosage forms of non-sterile drug products.
竹澤 健一 片山 博仁 田中 広徳 田村 圭史郎 中村 みさ子 三宅 正一 室井 哲夫 百永 眞士 山岡 尚志 涌田 俊哉
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.8, no.1, pp.78-86, 2006 (Released:2007-05-10)

In the revised “GMP Ministerial Ordinance on Drugs and Quasi-drugs” announced by MHLW in December 2004, “deviation control” was stipulated. In response to this, Manufacturer needs to prepare SOPs to control and handle deviations appropriately and any deviation has to be documented. When critical deviation is occurred, impact assessment on the quality has to be also performed. If the deviation may have quality impact, the deviation has to be notified to Licensed Marketing Approval Holder of the product. Therefore, manufacturing unit or quality unit in manufacturer is required to have sufficient knowledge and ability to execute root cause analysis, impact assessment and corrective action/preventative action (CAPA). In this article, by taking up the following three cases, how to handle deviations such as root cause analysis, impact assessment of quality and CAPA has been discussed. 1)  Deviation from the standard operating procedure in granulation process 2)  Deviation from the specification in pharmaceutical water 3)  Deviation from the humidity limit in stability chamber In each case, insufficient handling example is first introduced and then desirable way of thinking is shown along with appropriate example. Points to be considered are also discussed for a more appropriate handling.