井上 敬介 浦山 由巳 上久木田 務 白井 俊光 白木澤 治 杉山 篤央 須藤 眞生 田中 広徳 田原 繁広 那須川 真澄 平原 茂人 堀江 匠 光吉 浩 三原 宏美 宮本 貴之 村上 大吉郎 山中 邦昭
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.17, no.1, pp.5-93, 2015 (Released:2015-08-12)

This publication has been prepared to express a sound and practical view on the better manufacturing environmental control for non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms, which has been discussed for several years by a special working group members of Kansai Study Group (KSG) accredited as one of the committees in Parenteral Drug Association (PDA) Japan Chapter. The opinions proposed or advanced in the document are formed for the purpose of furnishing a beneficial and valuable guide with advisability to any persons or organizations concerned in establishing appropriate manufacturing control systems for quality products.   The leading topics discussed among the WG are focused on the prevention against cross-contamination and foreign matter ingress, and categorized into five subjects composed of HVAC systems, premises, gowning, cleaning, and cleanliness standards. Constructive and earnest discussion therein has been devoted to the key processes, wherein considerable amounts of powders are handled for the successful operations of weighing, granulation, mixing, and tableting. In the expectation of good usage, many of the principles and the way of thinking presented hereupon, in particular can be applied or rearranged to a wide spectrum of other manufacturing processes for various dosage forms of non-sterile drug products.
日本PDA製薬学会 電子記録・電子署名(ERES)委員会 データインテグリティ分科会 DI対応進め隊 阿部 いくみ 永田 久雄 荻原 健一 橋本 勝弘 加藤 尚志 橋本 剣一 杉浦 明子 普天間 竜治 高橋 潤 政井 宣興 武田 幸雄 櫻井 國幸 谷川 誠 前田 豊
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.24, no.1, pp.10-22, 2022 (Released:2022-06-22)

Although the regulatory requirements for data integrity are appropriately described in the relevant guidelines, the question can naturally be raised on how to afford the industry for their implementation. Hereof, it is worth advancing some proposals for concrete measures of data integrity remediation so that the industry could enforce the compliance without ambiguity in the above regulation specified by the authorities. In this study, we will introduce practical methods for time adjustment, hybrid, and audit trail review in the perspective of data integrity and attempt to share best practices for regulatory compliance regarding data integrity. The study will also detail all the points of time adjustment, hybrid, and audit trail review described at the “DI Remediation Practical Seminar” held in July 2021.
パオロ ベラビーテ アニータ コンフォルティ ヴァレリア ピアセレ リカルド オルトラーニ
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.12, no.2, pp.35-69, 2010 (Released:2011-07-23)

2 世紀以上にわたって集められたホメオパシーのデータの莫大な量から分かるように,ホメオパシーは実験的な学問として生まれた。しかし,ホメオパシーの医学的伝統は,長い間,従来科学の学問分野から切り離されてきた。従来の科学的な見識では,ホメオパシーは偽薬(プラシーボ)以上の効果がないが,若干の臨床データと併せて溶質の極めて高い希釈剤による実験では幾つかの状況で作用する可能性があり,興味をそそる事実を暗示している。 今日,過去 20-30 年間にわたってホメオパシーが現在の医学の方法をはじめ,相当数の実験的研究が,分子,細胞,臨床レベルで利用可能になったので,以前は対立のように見られた,幾つかの学問領域間への浸透が促進されてきている。 おそらく炎症と免疫は体の自然治癒力の伝統的な『生命力』に密接に関連があるので,施療師と患者の対話による一般的に進歩してきている 1 つの領域は,その治癒力に関するものである。一連の文書類で,我々は,ホメオパシーの歴史的起源,免疫薬理学の分野に関連する実験室と動物モデル,炎症性疾病とその作用機序に関する仮説におけるホメオパシーの賛否の臨床所見をチェックする。最後に,我々はホメオパシー手法の特定の特徴を明確に説明する。それは全有機体としての人に対する治療を特定することを特に重要視する。
川村 邦夫
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-10, 2000 (Released:2006-08-01)

Harmonization of GMP has been intensively discussed in ICH, and the result is expected to emerge by the end of this year. Such kind of international harmonization is a pressing issue in the pharmaceutical industries, since the development of technology sometimes causes de-harmonization of regulations in various counties and area. Harmonization of regulations for pharmaceuticals have significance in deploying the worldwide research and development of new pharmaceuticals effectively. According to the harmonization of regulations for pharmaceuticals, activities of pharmaceutical industries have become rapidly global. In the area of quality control, “How to establish specifications” has been discussed in Q6A, and “Skip test,” “Process control” and “Parametric release” have reached to the agreement. These subjects were firstly discussed in the Joint Conference of Japan PDA and Association of Japan Pharm. Sci. in 1997 in Japan. “Parametric Release” has a close relation with validation, or it is a natural consequence of validation. It can be said, “Where there is Validation, there is Parametric Release. It should not be limited to “Sterility Test”, but should be applied to all of other specifications to determine the quality. As future issues of GMP in Japan, “Consultant” in ICH GMP Section 3(6), and FDA GMP Section 211-34 should be discussed in Japan, since there is no this section in Japan GMP. “Contract Manufacturing and Contract Laboratory” should also be discussed in future in Japan, since the concept of “Contract” is very much limited in the Japan GMP. “Complaint and Recall” should also be discussed from the view points of “Safety”, and results should be informed to the world with sound basis of safety. GMP inspection system should also be discussed in the world, after the agreement of written GMP. There seems to be significant differences in the written GMP, but there seems to be much differences in the implementation of GMP between men to men, area to area, country to country. Audit experiences of ISO 9000s show the importance of worldwide auditors' training. CTD (Common Technical Document), and various kinds of ISO Technical Requirements would have much influence to GMP. We have to watch these discussions. Under these circumstances, pharmaceutical industries in Japan are now expanding their activities from domestic to the world.
村井 活史 浦久保 知也 西田 靖武 洪 苑起 菅原 敬信 岡村 元義 小田 昌宏 川俣 治 小杉 公彦 塩見 哲次 高橋 英晴 殿守 俊介 林 秀樹 丸山 裕一
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.9, no.1, pp.6-31, 2007 (Released:2008-06-06)

The Bio-virus safety committee, one of the committees of the Parental Drug Association Japan (PDA Japan), has discussed various concerns on biopharmaceuticals from scientific, technical and regulatory perspective. One of the most significant concerns is the risk of viral contamination into the products. This risk should be addressed, as required per the international regulations, by minimizing to use raw materials sourced from animal origin and by performing viral clearance studies in order to evaluate capability of purification processing to reduce and/or inactivate known and/or adventitious viruses. The Bio-virus safety Committee has reported the conclusions of discussion how to prepare and qualify cell bank system as one of raw materials and how much Log Reduction Value (LRV) should be targeted in virus clearance studies in the annual conference of the PDA Japan in 20051). The Bio-virus safety committee has discussed the practical experimental procedures for viral clearance studies since 2006 and reported the conclusions in the annual conference of the PDA Japan in 2007. In this report, standardized and practical experimental procedures for viral clearance studies are shown, considering not only requirements for submission to regulatory agencies but also experimental technique. In addition, trouble shooting based upon experiences of the members, information regarding Contract Research Organizations (CROs), reference of international guidelines, and worksheets of viral clearance study are provided.
日本 PDA 製薬学会 電子記録電子署名委員会 クラウド CSV グループ 荒井 健太郎 荒木 澄江 石川 明水 稲葉 光治 荻本 浩三 杉浦 明子 坪田 浩之 峠 茂樹 西山 宇一 平野 勝久 古市 正 前田 豊
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.18, no.2, pp.25-122, 2016 (Released:2016-12-20)

It could be worthwhile to make proposals related to practical methods for CSV of cloud-based GxP business systems, given that any guidelines for CSV of those systems have not yet been issued by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. In this study, we will show development activities, verification activities and a supplier audit, all of which our group experienced, for a SaaS-type electric document management system for GxP businesses, leading to an attempt to share the best practices in CSV of cloud-based GxP business systems. The feasibility of our proposal related to the CSV life-cycle management of cloud-based GxP business systems at the previous PDA Japan Annual meeting will also be discussed in this study.
松葉 和久 半谷 眞七子 長谷川 信策 小池 香代
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.2, no.1, pp.11-17, 2000 (Released:2006-08-01)

During 1987-1997, Nagoya City University Hospital experienced 22 cases of claim/complaint and recall of the pharmaceutical products. This included 9 cases of abnormality of container and package, 6 cases of contamination, 3 cases of content excess/shortage, and 2 cases of content abnormality and mislabeling. When observing from dosage form, a lot of complaint and recall were the injections of 9, and, next, the external preparations of 7. After enforcing PL law, claims/complains have increased in our hospital. We made the pharmaceutical companies claims of upgrading them and we got the improvement plans as the answer books of how these pharmaceutical companies resolved these problems as follows: contaminations of parts of manufacturing processes, insects, denatured ingredients etc. By using these answers from the companies, each reason of specific and interesting incident was observed and analyzed with the idea of Human Factors. As the results, reasons of most incidents were in the relationship between Liveware and Software.
今井 聖
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.19, no.1, pp.6-14, 2017 (Released:2017-06-13)

錠剤の識別性を上げて調剤過誤防止(誤飲防止)を実現する技術として錠剤印刷技術が開発されてからかなりの時間が経過するが,最近では素錠にも印刷できる技術が開発されるようになってきた。しかし,一部の錠剤にのみ印刷が施されるだけでは,調剤過誤防止には不十分で,『世の中のすべての錠剤』に印刷されて初めて本来の目的が達成される。 このため,より『低コスト』で,より『安定的』に,より『多種多様な種類の錠剤』に対応可能な「錠剤生産現場の課題」をも解決することもできる錠剤印刷機が必要となる。 この機会に,フロイント産業は今まで開発してきた錠剤印刷技術を紹介するとともに,「世の中のすべての錠剤に印刷」を施すための「錠剤生産現場の課題」も同時に解決可能な最新の技術(周辺技術含む)を紹介する。 フロイント産業は技術開発を継続し,更なる調剤過誤防止(誤飲防止)などに役立つ技術を提供し続けたい。
今枝 好美 亀岡 大介 山田 秀成
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.19, no.2, pp.30-38, 2017 (Released:2017-12-21)

抗体医薬品の皮下注開発では,皮下投与可能な薬液量(1 mL程度)を実現させるために高濃度の抗体薬液で安定な処方を見出し,かつ高濃度/高粘性の抗体薬液で安定的に生産できる製法を確立する必要がある。また,慢性疾患では患者さんのQOL向上を目指し,シリンジやオートインジェクターでの皮下注製剤が期待される。これらを踏まえ,本報ではアクテムラ®皮下注162 mgシリンジ/オートインジェクターの製剤開発における課題への取り組みを紹介する。  なお,本内容は,日本PDA製薬学会Prefilled Syringe Seminar 2016 Tokyo(2016年5月17, 18日開催)での講演内容に,処方設計及び製法設計の検討情報を追加したものである。
古田土 真一
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.8, no.1, pp.47-61, 2006 (Released:2007-05-10)

医薬品の開発段階における委受託については,委託者の開発戦略と品質ポリシーに基づいて品質リスクマネジメントによる評価を行い,製品ライフサイクルの一環として検討するべきである。委託に際しては,単にスピードや技術に注力するだけでなく,コンフィデンシャリティやパテントについての取り決めも考慮する必要がある。治験薬の製造にあたっては 3 極対応として治験薬 GMP を遵守し,開発過程の情報については変更管理を行い,技術移管時に製品として品質の一貫性を確保する。委託者による承認申請書は,これら全ての情報の最終的な集約でなくてはならない。
日本PDA製薬学会メディカルデバイス委員会 鶴丸 智彦 森川 実千代 本間 智範 柘植 裕美
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.23, no.2, pp.53-64, 2021 (Released:2021-12-29)

As the technology recently advances in healthcare industries, combination product composed of drug and medical device will be expected to be increasingly launched. To ensure the effectiveness and safety of such combination products, risk management is important. However, integrated consideration on risks from both drug and medical device perspective is not necessarily simple because risks derived from interactions between drug and medical device or usage (“how to use”) need to be considered comprehensibly. This paper discussed the inherent differences between drug and medical device from the viewpoints of their properties, applicable regulations and product realization processes along quality management system. Based on the discussion, this paper has demonstrated how to conduct integrated risk management as combination products by taking pre-filled syringe product as an example. As a result, this paper concluded the importance to recognize the difference between drug and medical device in terms of inherent product properties, their development processes, approach for risk and risk management in product realization process. Also, this paper suggested the usefulness of hazard frameworks in ISO14971 to list drug-related hazards comprehensibly and the effectiveness to consider “usage” hazard for listing hazards of combination products.
水田 泰一
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.4, no.1, pp.19-25, 2002 (Released:2006-07-28)

API GMP approved at the ICHQ7A meeting in San Diego held in November 2000 is coming nearly toward the mandatory step in Japan. In this API GMP, the Design Qualification for pharmaceutical facilities is clearly described as well as IQ, OQ and PQ. However, there has been no specific description of Design Qualification provided for us the pharmaceutical industry, except for European stipulations. The Validation Standard Code of MHLW, for instance, requires Design Qualification by no means. Very few procedural monographs on such Design Qualification have been found at least in Japan. Thereupon, the author will demonstrate how well we could have the Design Qualification function in the course of validation on the basis of some relevant literatures available in hand and his own experience through pharmaceutical manufacturing with process validation. Especially, what is required to cover Design Qualification is to be noted in relation to such specifications determined as applicable conditions, performance factors and characteristic mechanisms necessary for equipment and facilities with the procedures for the first step qualification as Design Qualification before IQ, OQ and PQ. Some important regulatory guides and references for equipment design will finally be detailed for your easier understanding.
小寺 恵介 塩原 卓也
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-7, 2010 (Released:2011-02-18)

稲津 邦平
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.8, no.2, pp.140-145, 2006 (Released:2008-02-01)

PDA の科学技術に関するディスカッショングループ(STDG)は,無菌医薬品技術に限らず,世界各国での医薬品製造,プロセスバリデーション,品質管理,薬事法規の分野を対象とし,自由に意見が交換できる場である。1994 年に FDA は,英国の PharmaWeb 社を支援し,PDA 会員や PDA が力を入れている製薬業界やバイオ業界に関係するテーマを対象として,使いやすいオンラインフォーラムを立ち上げた。PDA は,このフォーラムの調整も担当している。STDG へサインアップするアドレスには,次の URL を利用されたい。   http://www.pharmweb.net/pwmirror/pwq/pharmwebq2.html   イーメールで STDG へ参加するには,上記 URL にある所定の欄へ氏名とイーメールアドレスを入力して「send」ボタンをクリックするだけでよい。また,この URL では,1996 年から 2007 年 12 月までのメールを読むことができる。なお,メールを送るときには,ファイルを添付しないこと。グループのメンバーに有用と考えられる添付資料については,メンバー個々へ送信するか,もしくはその資料が掲載されている URL をグループ宛てに送信されたい。   日本 PDA 製薬学会は PDA 本部の了解を得て,最近に掲示された話題のうち,「経口固形製剤の使用期限」,「光安定性」,「医薬品質システムのマネジメント」「超低温凍結庫用センサーの校正」,「設備洗浄後の保管時間」および「GMP と cGMP との違い」に関する意見交換の内容を紹介する
鈴木 治 井上 幹夫
日本PDA学術誌 GMPとバリデーション (ISSN:13444891)
vol.2, no.1, pp.34-39, 2000

&nbsp;&nbsp;The previous study has shown that stainless steel surfaces on piping could greatly be subject to rouging during the operation of high-purity water systems (Suzuki O <i>et al.</i>: Pharm Tech <b>22</b>: 66-82, 1998). The follow-up study has hereupon been carried on to fed out what will potentially develop into such rouging on stainless steel, because the fouling-like rouging has always been an anxious matter to pharmaceutical engineers. The name of rouging is now given to a corrosive discoloration developed with various contaminants in the high-purity water treatment process, which will also occur in WFI (Water for Injection) systems or pure steam generators. Stainless steel elbow-piping sections, which surfaces were finished at such a high mill finish as mechanical polish and electropolish, were exposed to pure steam generated at 2 kg/cm<sup>2</sup>-g. The steam was also fed into the near-horizontal piping section not stagnant with distillate and the intentionally arranged section stagnant with distillate for 30 days. The inner surface after pure steam fed was visually inspected and analyzed by a physical technique of Auger electron spectroscopy so that rouging discoloration was detected to be mostly due to its surface oxidization of stainless steel. The oxidization is divided into two groups: namely, (1) reddish discoloration results from the vapor attack, and (2) blackish discoloration comes from long contact with condensate on stainless steel surfaces. The latter discoloration is further divided into two types in the chemical respect; namely, with carbon and without carbon. Although these kinds of discoloration may provide no deterioration for water quality because of very low solubility of metal oxides, a further study of this rouging mechanism should be made to acquire clear grounds for the final conclusion.<br>