山田 茂 田中 涼子 大橋 文 岩田 華苗
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.31-35, 2017-03-10

In this experiment, we investigated the effects of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cell. Caffeine (0μg/mℓ, 50μg/mℓ, 100μg/mℓ) which promotes lipolysis, was added to the culture medium (10%FBS, DMEM) respectively. Adipocytes underwent repeated mechanical irritation by Flexer cell strain unit to observe the effect on the lipolysis of mechanical stimulation. We measured glycerol in a culture medium to confirm the lipolysis. Adipocyte were stained for lipolysis responses by Oil Red O. The effect of caffeine on lipolysis was slightly observed, but a significant effect statistically was not observed. On the other hand, mechanical stimulation increased lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cells. Influences of a combination of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis were examined. The results of these experiments, the effect of mechanical stimulation on the lipolysis was outstanding, but was scarcely effected by caffeine. That is, direct mechanical stimulation was effective in increasing the burning of fat. Further research is required on the mechanisms of mechanical stimulation to promote lipolysis in adipose cells.