本岡 拓哉 田中 靖記
空間・社会・地理思想 = Space, society and geographical thought (ISSN:13423282)
no.10, pp.57-83, 2006

2005年, ドイツ・ボーフム大学地理学教室(ウタ・ホーン研究室)と日本・筑波大学土地利用研究室(大村謙二郎研究室), 大阪市立大学地理学教室(大場茂明研究室), 中国・上海同済大学の間で, 学部学生・院生の相互交流を目的としたサマースクールが開始された。2005年8月のドイツラウンド(対象地区 : ライン・ルール大都市圏)を皮切りに, 2005年9~10月には, 日本ラウンド(対象地区 : 大阪・東京大都市圏)が行なわれた。本稿は, そのうち2005年8月に開催された, ドイツ・ボーフム大学主催サマースクール(タイトル「ヨーロッパ大都市圏ライン・ルール地域における都市・地域発展」)の内容をレポートするものである。……
時吉 康範 田中 靖記
産業学会研究年報 (ISSN:09187162)
vol.2016, no.31, pp.1-12, 2016 (Released:2017-04-03)

Every industry is faced with high uncertainty of the social and economic environment. Companies in the social infrastructure industry also adequately deal with such uncertainty. In these surroundings, “Forecast” approach is necessary but no longer sufficient for the new business development, subject creation of research and development and medium and/or long term strategy formulation. This paper indicates that it is important that the companies fully utilize “Foresight” approach for the companies to deal with the uncertainty. Forecast approach adopts the following methods that using the definite elements and the quantitative datasets. One set of prior conditions draws one certain conclusion on this approach. This is suitable under the stable-growth period or in the stable industries. “Foresight” approach focuses, meanwhile, on the uncertain materials and qualitative elements for developing businesses and strategies. Such materials and elements list users’ sense of values, societal changes and some other impacts in the future. This paper provides two examples in order to show the efficacy of “Foresight” approach. First example is the current situation and new business model of the water industry in India. Second one is the actual practices of the approach from some Japanese infrastructure companies. A telecom company, a power company and some governmental organizations have adopted the “Foresight” approach. In addition, other many private companies plan to adopt the approach. The high uncertainty of the social and economic environment requires companies in the social infrastructure industry to develop the new businesses and business models with the assistance of “Foresight” approach in order to know the changes of consumers’ and customers’behaviors.