高垣 伸匡 水野 成人 田内 義彦 竹内 雅代 福岡 敏雄
一般社団法人 日本薬学教育学会
薬学教育 (ISSN:24324124)
vol.4, pp.2019-032, 2020 (Released:2020-04-24)

Evidence-Based Medicine(EBM)は日本でも普及している医療従事者の行動様式,思考形式である.イギリスにはEBMの学習者を支援するCASP(Critical Appraisals Skills Programme)という組織が存在する.1999年に倉敷中央病院総合診療科兼研修医教育部長の福岡敏雄が日本支部としてCASP Japanを設立し,CASPワークショップをはじめ,EBM学習を提供してきた.内容は臨床疫学や教育手法など多岐にわたり,短時間で楽しんで学べるよう工夫されている.一方,日本において薬学生がEBMについての教育をうける機会は乏しいのが現状である.筆者らは2010年12月から,Student CASPと称する,学生を対象としたCASPワークショップを神戸薬科大学,同志社女子大学薬学部,摂南大学薬学部などで開催してきた.このうち神戸薬科大学でのStudent CASPワークショップの紹介,およびアンケート結果を若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers' concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about "dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema"; "food allergies"; "infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps"; and "side effects of vaccination". In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about "solutions to children's illnesses." Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: "I have nothing to talk about,", "I do not know what I should talk about,", and "I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.". From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.
波多江 崇 田中 智啓 猪野 彩 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辰見 明俊 濵口 常男
Japanese Society of Drug Informatics
医薬品情報学 (ISSN:13451464)
vol.18, no.4, pp.289-294, 2017-02-28 (Released:2017-03-17)

Objective: We conducted a meta-analysis on the suppressive effect of resistant maltodextrin on post-prandial blood glucose elevation, which is approved in Japan as food for specified health use, and the following is allowed to be indicated on the label “it is suitable for consumption by those who are concerned about their post-prandial blood glucose levels because the absorption of sugars is abated by the action of dietary fiber (resistant maltodextrin).”Method: Our literature search covered Ichushi-Web (Japan Medical Abstracts Society), Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator, Electronic (J-stage), Google Scholar, and PubMed databases and extracted English and Japanese publications on randomized, double-blind, controlled studies comparing resistant maltodextrin and a control in Japanese subjects for the reduction of areas under the blood glucose response curves at 30, 60, and 120 min after eating as an efficacy index.Result: Among these publications, four articles with a Jadad score (an assessment of the quality of randomized controlled studies) of ≥ 3 were included in the meta-analysis.  Significant inhibitory effects were confirmed from areas under the blood glucose response curves at 30, 60, and 120 min after eating in the meta-analysis that was performed to evaluate the effects of resistant maltodextrin on post-prandial blood glucose elevation in Japanese individuals.Conclusion: However, we were not able to test for publication bias because the number of extracted publications was small, and thus, additional research and case studies are warranted.
三木 有咲 波多江 崇 猪野 彩 井上 知美 上野 隼平 笠谷 君代 近藤 亜美 坂口 知子 佐々木 信子 田内 義彦 竹下 治範 辻 華子 中川 素子 野口 栄 長谷川 由佳 水田 恵美 矢羽野 早代 山根 雅子 濵口 常男
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.1, pp.24-33, 2015-06-10 (Released:2015-10-16)

We implemented a questionnaire survey targeting mothers who are in child care and had participated in consultations regarding drugs and diseases. We examined the future roles of community pharmacists by exploring the mothers’ concerns and, anxieties about child cares and their backgrounds, and their expectations for profession of community pharmacist. Mothers have listed anxiety and concerns of child care about “dermatitis such as rash and atopic eczema”; “food allergies”; “infectious diseases such as measles, chicken pox, and mumps”; and “side effects of vaccination”. In addition, most of them indicated their own concerns and anxiety about “solutions to children’s illnesses.” Despite their anxieties and concerns, however, approximately 60% of the mothers have never consulted with community pharmacists. Among them, approximately a half of them indicated the following three reasons why they have never consulted with pharmacists: “I have nothing to talk about,”, “I do not know what I should talk about,”, and “I was not sure if it was alright to talk about my concerns.”. From these results, we concluded that community pharmacists in the future should improve their communication skills and inform their availability to consult about medicine and disease to local residents.