和田 雅昭 畑中 勝守 雫石 雅美
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.115, pp.83-89, 2006
3 1

The instrumentation for the measurement of seafloor topography with the data of fishing echo sounder and GPS accrued by the sensor network technology has been presented in this study. In our previous paper, details of the present system and the accuracy of it have been discussed and the authors have shown the potential of the present system for practical use. In this paper, the data analysis of experimental results of about 680,000 data obtained by a real fishing operation is discussed. The experiment for practical use by the present system has been carried out for about a year using a fishing vessel. The records of a fishing echo sounder and GPS have been stored in a database and used to draw a bathymetric chart of experimental site. However, many suspicious parts of water depth can be seen in the bathymetric chart because the data of double reflection were included in the chart. In order to increase the reliability of the bathymetric chart obtained by the present system, the authors examined the data analysis for removing suspicious data due to the double reflection from the bathymetric chart. The retouched bathymetric chart after utilizing the data analysis are compared with the "Basic chart of the sea" represented by the Japan Coast Guard and 90% of all difference between the two of them were less than 5m.