白井 信雄 田中 充 青木 えり
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.25, no.2, pp.2_62-71, 2015 (Released:2017-07-26)

In this study, a survey residents living in Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Nagano prefectures was conducted to deepen the knowledge required to develop educational programs on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The results are as follows: 1) The residents are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of climate change, and this awareness affects not only their adaptation behavior, but also their mitigation behavior. 2) Sufficient recognition of the causes of climate change affects mitigation behavior. An awareness of the effects of climate change on one’s personal life affects current responses, and an awareness of the effects of climate change on regions affects long-term responses. 3) Regarding environmental consciousness, the perception to give priority to an action affects current responses, and respect towards nature affects both current responses and long-term responses. 4) Females, especially over 30 years of age, have a strong consciousness of giving priority to an action and have a strong awareness of the effects of climate change. Consequently, their behavior towards adaptation and mitigation is stronger.  Based on these results, we consider implementing educational programs on climate change adaptation and mitigation. In particular, consideration is given to developing educational programs for females who are more sensitive to climate change.
白井 信雄
サステイナビリティ研究 (ISSN:2185260X)
vol.6, pp.5-19, 2016-03

和文:固定価格買取制度により再生可能エネルギーの導入が活発してきたが、その一方で住民関与や地域の社会・経済・環境面での効果の希薄さが危惧されている。また、2016年4月からは小売電力自由化等の新たな動きがある。こうした揺籃期にあって、地域主体は、再生可能エネルギーの導入によって、どのような地域づくりを目指すのか、そのための地域施策はどのようにあるべきかを検討することが必要となっている。このため、本研究は、既往研究を踏まえて、再生可能エネルギーの導入によって目指すべき地域社会の変革目標の理論的枠組みを設定した。さらに、その枠組みを用いて、市民共同発電事業の蓄積や再生可能エネルギー条例等を進めてきている長野県飯田市の取組みを分析し、理論的枠組みによる地域分析の有効性の確認までを行った。設定した理論的枠組みは、(1)エネルギーの自治、(2)対話とネットワーク、(3)地域経済の自立、(4)社会公正と環境共生、(5)地域主体の自立共生、の5つである。これらの変革目標は、従来の地域づくりの延長上にあるものでなく、今日の諸問題の根本にある「内なる危機」を解消する、価値規範や社会経済システムの転換を伴うものである。5つの変革目標を枠組みとして、飯田市の状況整理を行い、飯田市の先進性を明確に切り出すことができた。これにより、5つの変革目標を枠組みとした地域評価の有効性を示した。今後は、さらに多くの地域での事例調査を実施し、再生可能エネルギーによる地域社会の構造的再生の理論的枠組みの具体化や事例のアーカイブズの構築等を行うことが課題となる。英文:Situational changes are occurring concerning Renewable Energy (RE). Large RE stations made in local areas pose conflicts and divisions between regional subjects and RE stations. On the other hand, there are new possibilities to use RE through the full liberalization of retail electricity sales. In a situation like this, we need goal setting by regional subjects. This research was conducted to build a theoretical framework for the structural regeneration of regional communities through RE. Subsequently, a case study on Iida city was conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the theoretical framework. Iida is an environmentally advanced city that has pioneered the spread of photovoltaic power systems. Municipal ordinances for a sustainable community through the introduction of RE were enacted by the local government in Iida. The theoretical framework concludes five elements: A. Autonomy of Energy, B. Dialogue and Networking, C. Independence of the Regional Economy, D. Fair/Equitable and Environmental Symbiosis, and E. Conviviality. These targets of social transformation are not the extension of traditional regional construction, but are rather the transformation of the socio-economic system to solve the various problems. By using the theoretical framework, we could organize the situation in Iida and extract advanced points regarding the city. By this trial, it was shown that the theoretical framework was effective in community diagnosis. As a future task, it was necessary to conduct case studies on many regions, and to reify the theoretical framework. Eventually, we would like to build the archives of case studies of the structural regeneration of regional communities through RE.