木村 剛士 中野 晋 天羽 誠二 白川 卓磨
公益社団法人 土木学会
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.54, pp.296-300, 2007

Konaruto Channel in the position that links Kii Channel to Seto inland sea shows peculiar tide characteristics, but long-term observations on tide level have not been performed in this channel. Therefore an accurate storm surge prediction was impossible because a tide level prediction was not possible. We carried out tide level observations in three harbors of this channel for one year and obtained tidal harmonic constants. We performed storm surge simulationsu sing the obtainedh armonicc onstants and were able to get good reproductionr esults. Furthermore, as a result of the reproductive storm surge calculation of typhoon 16 in 2004w hen a large storm surge disaster occurred in Takamatsu City, it became clear that storm surge more than 2m above sea level occurred in the northern coast of Naruto City.
木村 剛士 中野 晋 天羽 誠二 白川 卓磨
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
海岸工学論文集 (ISSN:09167897)
vol.54, pp.296-300, 2007 (Released:2010-06-04)

Konaruto Channel in the position that links Kii Channel to Seto inland sea shows peculiar tide characteristics, but long-term observations on tide level have not been performed in this channel. Therefore an accurate storm surge prediction was impossible because a tide level prediction was not possible. We carried out tide level observations in three harbors of this channel for one year and obtained tidal harmonic constants. We performed storm surge simulationsu sing the obtainedh armonicc onstants and were able to get good reproductionr esults. Furthermore, as a result of the reproductive storm surge calculation of typhoon 16 in 2004w hen a large storm surge disaster occurred in Takamatsu City, it became clear that storm surge more than 2m above sea level occurred in the northern coast of Naruto City.