神田 康行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.85, no.873, pp.19-00035-19-00035, 2019

<p>The rigid plastic finite element method (RPFEM) is used in many re-meshing procedures in material processing analysis. Currently, the four-node quadrilateral element, which can avoid volumetric locking, is applied in the RPFEM. However, it is desirable to apply the three-node triangular element instead because of its easy and robust mesh generation procedure. This study applied the three-node triangular element with drilling and strain degrees of freedoms (GNTri3) to the RPFEM, the validity of which was verified by analyzing some numerical examples. First, as verification for the volumetric locking characteristic of the GNTri3, FEM analysis of a nearly incompressible elastic body under plane strain conditions was performed. Volumetric locking was recognized by applying full integration to the element stiffness matrix of the GNTri3. Therefore, it was revealed that the RPFEM using the GNTri3 is necessary for applying selective reduced integration to the element stiffness matrix. Analysis of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 showed that the tool pressure was in good agreement with theoretical solutions and FEM results obtained using a conventional four-node quadrilateral element at a rigid punch indentation. In addition, reasonable material processing deformations were computed in the plane strain compression test.Therefore, validity of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 was verified by numerical results.</p>
神田 康行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会

<p>The rigid plastic finite element method (RPFEM) is used in many re-meshing procedures in material processing analysis. Currently, the four-node quadrilateral element, which can avoid volumetric locking, is applied in the RPFEM. However, it is desirable to apply the three-node triangular element instead because of its easy and robust mesh generation procedure. This study applied the three-node triangular element with drilling and strain degrees of freedoms (GNTri3) to the RPFEM, the validity of which was verified by analyzing some numerical examples. First, as verification for the volumetric locking characteristic of the GNTri3, FEM analysis of a nearly incompressible elastic body under plane strain conditions was performed. Volumetric locking was recognized by applying full integration to the element stiffness matrix of the GNTri3. Therefore, it was revealed that the RPFEM using the GNTri3 is necessary for applying selective reduced integration to the element stiffness matrix. Analysis of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 showed that the tool pressure was in good agreement with theoretical solutions and FEM results obtained using a conventional four-node quadrilateral element at a rigid punch indentation. In addition, reasonable material processing deformations were computed in the plane strain compression test.Therefore, validity of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 was verified by numerical results.</p>
神田 康行
一般社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会
粉体および粉末冶金 (ISSN:05328799)
vol.70, no.3, pp.145-152, 2023-03-15 (Released:2023-03-15)

This report investigated the spark plasma sintering (SPS) of Shuri castle breakage roof tile powder for the effective utilization of the Shuri castle breakage roof tiles. First, we examined the fundamental characteristics of Shuri castle breakage roof tiles. The chemical composition of broken roof tiles mainly comprises SiO2. Scanning electron microscopy analysis revealed the dispersion of quartz lumps in the inner structure. Additionally, the density of the broken roof tile was 2.43 g/cm3, and the open porosity was 17.9%, the Vickers hardness (HV) was 87.5 at the matrix side and 1200 at the quartz lump, and the flexural strength was 15.7 MPa. Meanwhile, the fundamental characteristics of the SPS compact formed using breakage roof tile powder comprised a density of 2.68 g/cm3, an open porosity of approximately 0%, an HV of 259, a flexural strength of 105 MPa, and a flexural modulus of 83.1 GPa at a sintering temperature of 1323 K. The formation of magnetite was confirmed via X-ray diffraction patterns of the sintered products; however, the crystalline phases were almost identical to those of the broken roof tile powders.
神田 康行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会

<p>The rigid plastic finite element method (RPFEM) is used in many re-meshing procedures in material processing analysis. Currently, the four-node quadrilateral element, which can avoid volumetric locking, is applied in the RPFEM. However, it is desirable to apply the three-node triangular element instead because of its easy and robust mesh generation procedure. This study applied the three-node triangular element with drilling and strain degrees of freedoms (GNTri3) to the RPFEM, the validity of which was verified by analyzing some numerical examples. First, as verification for the volumetric locking characteristic of the GNTri3, FEM analysis of a nearly incompressible elastic body under plane strain conditions was performed. Volumetric locking was recognized by applying full integration to the element stiffness matrix of the GNTri3. Therefore, it was revealed that the RPFEM using the GNTri3 is necessary for applying selective reduced integration to the element stiffness matrix. Analysis of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 showed that the tool pressure was in good agreement with theoretical solutions and FEM results obtained using a conventional four-node quadrilateral element at a rigid punch indentation. In addition, reasonable material processing deformations were computed in the plane strain compression test.Therefore, validity of the RPFEM using the GNTri3 was verified by numerical results.</p>
神田 康行 福本 功
一般社団法人 日本計算工学会
vol.2018, pp.20180004-20180004, 2018

近年, 地球環境保護の高い社会的要請により, ウッドセラミックスのような植物に由来したカーボンセラミックス複合材料の研究開発がなされている. 著者らは, 植物由来カーボンセラミックス複合材料の高強度化と産業副産物であるサトウキビバガスの有効利用を目的に, バガス灰と炭化バガス繊維の植物繊維強化カーボンセラミックス複合材料を放電プラズマ焼結法により作製している. その結果, 不均一な長さの炭化バガス繊維の界面接着状態は, 溶融固化したバガス灰のバインダー効果により焼結保持時間および炭化バガス繊維が長くなると向上することを明らかにした. <br>植物繊維強化カーボンセラミックス複合材料では, 不均一な長さの強化繊維が母材内を分散することで幾何学的には複雑な内部構造を形成する. このような複合材料の内部構造に対して均質化法は, 周期性の仮定が難しいことから不向きと考えられる. そのため, 三角形要素による要素分割の適用が望ましいが, セラミックス複合材料の強度評価には曲げ試験が適用される. 三節点一次要素を用いたFEM解析は, 曲げ変形の解析精度が不十分である. また, FEM解析に母材と強化繊維間の界面接着を取り入れる方法に界面要素の適用があるが, 要素分割時には界面上に二重節点の作成という煩雑な処理が必要になる. <br>以上のことから, 本研究では, 植物繊維強化カーボンセラミックス複合材料の曲げ変形解析に対する高精度化と要素分割時の効率化を目的とし, 曲げ変形の解析精度を高めた回転自由度を有する三節点三角形要素 (以降, RGNTri3と称す) に拡張有限要素 (以降, XFEMと称す) のヘビサイド関数を界面節点に適用することで, 回転自由度を有する三角形界面要素 (以降, RGNTri3Xと称す)を開発した. RGNTri3Xは, 二重節点の作成が不要であり, その要素剛性マトリックスは三角形要素と界面要素から構成されている. そのため, 本研究ではRGNTri3Xを「三角形界面要素」と呼んでいる. 本論文では, まず, RGNTri3を用いた界面要素の剛性マトリックスをペナルティ法により導出している. 次に, RGNTri3の変位関数にXFEMのヘビサイド関数を適用し, RGNTri3Xの三角形要素と界面要素の剛性マトリックスを定式化している. その後, 本研究で適用したき裂進展解析法について述べている. そして, 基礎的な数値解析例として, RGNTri3Xのペナルティ数を変化させた際の片持ち梁の変位解に対する誤差と曲げ試験における単一材料のき裂進展挙動の解析精度を検討している. 最後に, 提案法の植物繊維強化カーボンセラミックス複合材料に対する適用性として, バガス灰と不均一な長さの炭化バガス繊維を用いた複合材料のき裂進展解析を行った. すなわち, FEM解析モデルを試験片観察および三点曲げ試験結果より作成し, 強化繊維の界面接着状態と分散状態を変化させたFEM解析より得られた三点曲げ試験における最大主応力, 曲げ強度およびき裂進展挙動を議論した. 本論文で得られた結論は以下のとおりである. <br>(1)RGNTri3Xにおける界面要素は, 従来の界面要素とほぼ同等の解析性能であるため, 要素分割時に界面の二重節点の作成が不要であることが示された. <br>(2)バガス灰と炭化バガス繊維を用いた複合材料の最大主応力は, 強い界面接着では界面の強化繊維側, 弱い界面接着では界面の母材側に発生した. このことから, 母材のバインダー効果に起因する界面接着状態の変化を反映した母材と強化繊維間の応力伝達が解析可能であると認められた. <br>(3)バガス灰と炭化バガス繊維を用いた複合材料の曲げ強度は, 強い界面接着では実験結果と良く一致し, 弱い界面接着では実験結果よりも低くなり, いずれの場合も母材内の強化繊維の分散状態の変化に伴い変動した. このことから, 強化繊維の界面接着状態と母材内への分散状態の変化に伴い, 曲げ強度が変動する解析結果が得られた. <br>(4)バガス灰と炭化バガス繊維を用いた複合材料のき裂進展挙動として, き裂発生は, 母材と強化繊維間における応力伝達の差異により, 強い界面接着状態では界面の炭化バガス繊維側, 弱い界面接着状態では界面の母材側から発生した. その後, 両状態におけるき裂は, 炭化バガス繊維を貫通しながら試験片内部を進展する力学挙動が解析された. <br>以上のことから, RGNTri3Xを用いることで, 要素の頂点節点のみで曲げ変形に対して高精度な解析性能を有し, 要素分割時に二重節点の作成が不要な界面要素を取り入れたFEM解析が可能になり, 植物繊維強化カーボンセラミックス複合材料の曲げ変形解析に対する有効性が明らかになった.
神田 康行 福本 功
一般社団法人 粉体粉末冶金協会
vol.64, no.3, pp.91-99, 2017

<p>Alumite sludge is a precipitation that is generated by anodizing of aluminum sash products. The crystal structure of alumite sludge is changed to α-alumina (α-alumina sludge) by heat treatment. For effective utilization of alumite sludge, we attempted to improve the sintered body mechanical strength by applying milled α-alumina sludge to spark plasma sintering. The raw (no milling) material has a cuboid particle shape. By milling the raw material, the particle shape is changed from cuboid to cube, and the particle size is decreased. The changing particle shapes improved flexural strength to a maximum of 403 MPa at low firing temperatures. Observation of the fracture surface using SEM revealed that the fracture originated from a rectangular pore remaining in the sintered body. The shape factor of the rectangular pore (area, pore ratio, inclination angle) decreased with the change in particle shape. In order to ascertain the experimental result, the effect of rectangular pore shape on crack occurrence was investigated by using finite element method. The principal stress value around the rectangular pore decreased with the change in particle shape. Thus, crack occurrence at the fracture origin is inhibited by the change in particle shape.</p>