神谷 友里 吉川 はる奈
埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 = Journal of Saitama University. Faculty of Education
vol.60, no.2, pp.19-28, 2011

This study investigated the effects of the developmental feature of role-taking at five-year-old children's pretend play. Subjects were the children at kindergarten class. The method of this study is the observational research. We observed how the children take the role of pretend play for ten months. Their behaviors of pretend play were evaluated: 1) say clearly what they want to take the role of pretend play 2) say clearly where they want to play pretend play 3) alter their place clearly when they play the other pretend play 4) insist on their theory with brief and compact style. When a five-year-olds child can't catch the child of partner playing with pretend play, he tries to go into the feeling of his partner. The result showed that developmental features of role-taking at the role play game for children.