村上 元庸 小島 保二 前田 敏博 牧川 方昭 福田 眞輔
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.15, no.1, pp.4-8, 1991

Sensory nerve endings in the monkey shoulder joint capsule were observed by light microscopy. The nerve staining technique was based upon Tago's method which was very sensitive for acetylcholinesterase (Ach E) existing in the peripheral nerve.<BR>Three distinct sensory nerve endings have b een identified: free nerve endings, Ruffini-type corpuscles, and Pacini-type corpuscles.<BR>Ruffini-typc corpuscles a n d Pacini-type corpuscles, which were thought to act as mechanoreceptors, were mainly localized in the transitional portion between the labrum and the capsule, but not within the labrum.<BR>Free ne r ve endiings, which may function as nociceptors (Pain), were distributed widely in the capsule and also in th labrum.<BR>As the results demo n strated that may mechanoreceptors exist in the capsule, it is presumed that the capsule acts not only as a static stabilizer, but also as a sensory apparatus for stress, and plays an important role in the dynamic stabilizing system. It seems that the location of the mcchanoreceptors is the optimum place for sensors to respond to the resultant force which dislocates the humeral head.<BR>Finally, we hypothesize that the dynamic stabilizing effect is performed by a series of reflex effects from the capsule to the surrounding muscle of the shoulder.
村上 元庸 小島 保二 前田 敏博 牧川方 昭 福田 眞輔 畑 正樹 吉川 玄逸
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.16, no.1, pp.96-102, 1992

An ultrastructural study of the sensory nerve endings in monkeys' shoulder joints was undertaken, stained by Tago's method, which is the histochemical staining of acetylcholinesterase.<BR>The Pacini-type corpuscle is oval in shape and it consists of inner and o uter cores. At the center of the inner core, there is an unmyelinated axon terminal. The axon terminal has numerous mitocondoria. The lamellated inner core is composed of Schwann cell processes. Reaction products are found in the space between the axon terminal and the lamellar cell processes, in the interlamellar spaces and in some caveolae.<BR>In the Ruffini-typ e corpuscle, the axon terminal loses its mylin sheath and branches several times. The axon terminals are incompletely surrounded by a Schwann cell cytoplasm. The axon terminal has numerous mitochondoria and agranular vesicles. The Schwann cell cytoplasm surrounds a bundle of collagen fibrils. The reaction products are found between the axon terminal and the Schwann cell cytoplasm, and also around the Schwann cell cytoplasm.<BR>From their characteristic structure, it seems that the Pac i n i-type corpuscles respond to a pressure force from the humeral head. While the Ruffini-type corpuscles respond to a stretch force. The latter were thought to have a more important role as sensors of a dynamic stabilizing system.
森 幹士 本城 昌 茶野 徳宏 福田 眞輔
臨床整形外科 (ISSN:05570433)
vol.31, no.10, pp.1155-1158, 1996-10-25

抄録:異常筋を伴った片側上肢肥大の症例を報告する.症例は20歳の女性である.単純X線,CT,MRI等の検索で,右手手指骨の肥大,示指の尺側偏位および右上肢,特に手部での筋肥大を認めた.示指尺側偏位,片側上肢肥大の特徴より,腫瘍性疾患,RA等の関節疾患,さらにdistal arthrogryposisも考えられたが,臨床所見より上記疾患は否定され,異常筋を伴う片側上肢肥大が疑われた.術中,異常筋の存在を認め,異常筋の切除,中手骨の骨切りを併用した示指尺側変位の矯正術を行った.本症例でみられた異常筋の一つ(短指伸筋)は,分化上の先祖帰り,atavistic muscleと考えられている.他の異常筋も同様に,系統発生学上の進化過程にある不安定な筋群より出現し,筋肥大や片側上肢肥大を起こしたものと考えた.