稲垣 眞美
美學 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.33, no.3, 1982-12-31

"Daigomi", which we find in such expressions as "daigomi of the piano-play" and "daigomi of fiction", is commonly used as a critical term to signify an ideal taste beyond description. "Daigo" originally comes from the passage in the sutra of Nirvana- "the cow gives milk ; the milk turns to sour thick milk ; the sour thick milk to fresh butter ; the fresh butter to rich butter ; and the rich butter to "daigo"-creamy essence-which is the best of all." "Daigo" is called sarpir manda in Sanskrit, which means the supremely tasty food finally produced from milk. In Buddhism this is compared to Nirvana, the ultimate spiritual state as was explained in Milinda Panha, - "As in daigo there are colour, smell and taste of excellent quality, so in Nirvana there are colour called virtue, and taste and smell called commandment." On the other hand, in the Western aesthetics Hegel and E. v. Hartmann regarded these senses as inferior to the senses of sight and hearing, and excluded them from the aesthetic category, which has become prevalent since then. But such Encyclopaedists as Condillac, Voltaire and Diderot were against the idea, and did justice to the senses of taste and smell. Especially Diderot almost grasped the meaning of "daigomi" and Nirvana in his definition of "delicieux". So we shall have to revaluate those senses in aesthetics, giving a deeper insight into their sensual and spiritual pleasure and beauty.
シルバニ マンスル 稲垣 眞 清水 忠明
公益社団法人 化学工学会
化学工学論文集 (ISSN:0386216X)
vol.18, no.6, pp.862-866, 1992

この論文は, 複雑な動特性を持つ系 (たとえば分布定数系など) を近似できる伝達関数として, 1次遅れと無駄時間を有する要素<I>K</I>exp (-<I>Ls</I>) / (1+<I>Ts</I>) を2つ加えたものを提案している.まずこの伝達関数の性質を調べるため, ゲインと位相を計算しパラメータを調整することにより共振現象を実現できることを明らかにした.これは, ボード線図上でゲインと位相の勾配を大きく変える可能性のあることを意味し, その結果複雑な特性をよく近似できる可能性を有することを意味している.また, パラメータ<I>K</I>, <I>L</I>および<I>T</I>を求める手段として周波数伝達関数の漸近的性質を述べている.この伝達関数の有効性を示すため化学装置の中でその動的性質が理論的にも実験的にも比較的よく研究されている熱交換器を対象にして数値実験を行っている.その結果, 共振を有する周波数特性をよくフィットできること, そして同じ装置のインデイシャル応答に対してもよくフィットできることを示している.