稲川 郁子
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.50, pp.1083-1093, 2021

This paper is about Ju-no-Kata, one of the seven types of Kata handed down in Kodokan. It is based on “Judo-Hongi,” written by Jigoro Kano, and “A Study of Teaching Methods in Ju-no-Kata,” written by Kunio Murakami. The method is to sort out the characteristics of these documents and to focus on the passages that mention Maai. Kano attempted to convey the correct Ju-no-Kata movements and their sig-nificance to practitioners. Murakami wrote mainly about the rational teaching method of Ju-no-Kata. The waza in which relatively large differences were found in the descriptions of the both documents were Naname-uchi and Tsuki-age. The waza with relatively significant changes after the publication of both docu-ments was Katate-age. From several discourses, it can be seen that Kano had a flexible attitude toward the modification of Kata. After Kano’s death, the Kata underwent several minor revisions due to research by Kodokan students. The current unified view is contained in a textbook published by Kodokan. Some of the descriptions are different from those of Kano and Murakami. In recent years, Kata has become a competition. The judging criteria for Kata competitions clearly states “position and Maai.” The concept of Maai is im-portant for each competitor, instructor, and judge. In Kata, it is important to understand the significance of each movement, and to practice with an awareness of the Maai necessary for the expression of Riai.
稲川 郁子
日本体育大学紀要 (ISSN:02850613)
vol.51, pp.2027-2034, 2022

This study examined the background of roller coaster accidents at amusement parks and the related safety measures based on a study of the “Do Dodonpa” accidents, a coaster-type attraction owned by Fujikyu Highland. Since 2019, multiple accidents involving fractures and other injuries to passengers’ spines have been attributed to “Do Dodonpa”, which has become a serious hazard. From several news articles, I could know that the most important measure by which passengers could avoid accidents was to hold the back of their heads against the head restraint during in starting, since “Do Dodonpa” is characterized by rapid acceleration at the time. Furthermore, although roller coasters are installed and operated in accordance with strict safety standards, both owners and passengers need to be fully aware of the dangers inherent in them. Therefore, I consider it important for owners to thoroughly implement safety measures including not only the maintenance and management of equipment but also the issue of in-depth warnings; passengers must also take the owners’ warnings seriously while enjoying the attractions.
稲川 郁子 畑山 元政
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.272_1, 2019

<p> 柔道は、嘉納治五郎が殺傷の手段である柔術から危険な要素を取り除き、安全性の高い要素を抽出して教育的価値を付加し普及させたことは広く知られている。現在普及している競技としての柔道には、危険要素である当身技は含まれていない。嘉納は、柔道の持つ教育的側面を重視する一方で、武術としての柔道も重視していた。嘉納は、柔道の稽古法には乱取、形、講義、問答があるとしたが、このうち乱取と形について、乱取に偏重する傾向のある修行者に対し、どちらに偏ることなく稽古する必要性を繰り返し説いている。嘉納の主張は、現代においては「柔道修行者の教養としての形」を軽視することへの戒めの文脈で語られることが多いが、嘉納は、修行者が当身技を軽視することによる柔道の武術性の風化を恐れていた。急所を狙い殺傷能力の高い当身技を、嘉納は、柔道の創始から晩年に至るまで重視し続けた。本発表では、柔道の7種の形に定められた身体動作のうち、当身技による部分について考察する。</p>