中村 和彦 武長 理栄 川路 昌寛 川添 公仁 篠原 俊明 山本 敏之 山縣 然太朗 宮丸 凱史
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2011, no.51, pp.51_1-51_18, 2011 (Released:2011-08-20)
5 4

Introduction : Many studies on motor development in young children have been done using quantitative data obtained from motor performance tests. To understand motor development in young children, the development of the actual motor pattern producing the performance should be investigated and evaluated. The purposes of this study were to examine the development of seven different fundamental motor patterns (patterns of running, jumping, throwing, catching, ball bouncing, forward rolling, and moving on a balance beam) using an observational evaluation method, and to compare the acquisition situations of the fundamental motor patterns of young children in the recent year and in 1985.Method : The subjects were 154children (81boys and 73girls) from three to five years of age in 2007, and 123children (59boys and 64girls) in 1985. Their fundamental movements were recorded by video camera and evaluated by an observational method using five typical developmental stages of the motor patterns in each movement. Based on the results of analysis of these seven fundamental motor patterns, an index to understand the development of fundamental movement in early childhood overall was established as a “motor pattern development score”.Results : It was shown that the motor patterns of the seven fundamental movements in recent young children remained at an immature movement development stage, such as pattern 1 and pattern 2. A significant increase was seen with age in both the individual motor pattern scores for the seven movements and the motor pattern development score. Moreover, it was shown that the motor pattern scores of resent young children were below the scores of young children in 1985 in the seven kinds of movements in both boys and girls.Conclusion : The results of this study, showed that the acquisition of the fundamental motor patterns in resent young children was at a lower developmental stage than that of young children in 1985. It was also shown that the acquisition of fundamental movements in resent five-years-olds was similar to that of three-years-olds in 1985.
篠原 俊明 小城原 舞 渕上 京花 平井 大樹 篠崎 智歩 小島 絵梨香 齊藤 怜汰
学校法人 三幸学園 東京未来大学
東京未来大学研究紀要 (ISSN:18825273)
vol.14, pp.89-96, 2020-03-31 (Released:2020-05-21)

本研究は、女子大学生を対象に会場でのスポーツ観戦状況と会場でのスポーツ観戦阻害要因との関係を捉えることを目的とした。 そのため、会場でのスポーツ観戦阻害要因尺度の作成を試みた。その結果、「無関心」「環境的制限」「人的欠如」「メディアの影響」から成る16項目4因子構造となり、信頼性も確認された。 次に会場でのスポーツ観戦状況をもとに対象者を「無関心者」、「潜在観戦者」、「観戦者」の3つに分類し、比較した。「阻害要因」は、無関心者は潜在観戦者、観戦者より有意に高値であった。下位尺度では、「環境的制限」には有意差がなく、女子大学生には距離や時間が阻害要因にならないことが明らかとなった。 「無関心」では、無関心者の値が潜在観戦者、観戦者より有意に高く、会場での観戦を考えてない者は、会場での観戦に関心を持たないことが明らかとなった。「人的欠如」および「メディアの影響」においても有意差が確認された。