義山 麻衣 大西 知子 前田 有紀 荒川 丈夫 飯塚 敏郎 小泉 浩一
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会 関東支部
Progress of Digestive Endoscopy (ISSN:13489844)
vol.97, no.1, pp.76-78, 2020-12-18 (Released:2021-01-08)
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A 73-year-old man was admitted with vomiting and left costal pain.He had undergone pylorus-preserving gastrectomy with B-1 reconstruction and was recently eating many persimmons. Physical examination revealed tenderness in the upper abdomen and left-side ribs. Abdominal CT showed a mass containing air in the gastroduodenal anastomosis. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a bezoar of about 10 cm in diameter in the remnant stomach. It was difficult to crush the bezoar with a grasping forceps and snare. Coca-Cola was locally injected, which softened the bezoar. We could then crush the bezoar with the grasping forceps and snare, and removed the bezoar. Oral administration or nasogastric lavage of Coca-Cola were reported as treatments for bezoars. In our case, the treatment time of a bezoar was significantly shortened by local injection of Coca-Cola and the bezoar could be treated with a small amount of Coca-Cola compared with that in previous reports.