荒木 宏之 古賀 憲一 荒牧 軍治 二渡 了
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
環境システム研究 (ISSN:09150390)
vol.18, pp.32-37, 1990-08-10 (Released:2010-03-17)

The water management systems in channel network in the Saga Plains have a long history. The functions, drainage and irrigation etc., are gradually changing for 400 years with social systems such as modernizing of agriculture and urbanization etc. An integrated water management based on inhabitants' consciousness and water quality is necessary for environmental conservation. For the sake of appropriate environmental conservation of the creeks, 1) historical change of the water management is classified, 2) relationships between the change of water management and social systems are revealed, 3) inhabitants' consciousness is surveyed by the questionnaire. As a result, the change of water management is classified into three processes, that is, the developing process (-1600), the completion process (1600-1940), and the declining process due to water pollution (1940-present). From the result of the questionnaire, important experiences during childhood, such as drinking the water of creeks and swimming, influence inhabitants' consciousness viz, familiarity to the creeks. Especially, the influence appeared strongly on middle-aged inhabitants who were in childhood earlier in the third process. It is necessary to sustain the traditional experiences for conserving the environment.
今村 敬 古賀 浩二 荒牧 軍治
一般社団法人 日本計算工学会
vol.2001, pp.20010044, 2001

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has been proposed for developing sophisticated software that needs future expansion. Successful applications of OOP in different fields such as graphic data processing and basic OS etc. is intensively reported in the literature. To apply OOP technique in softwares for structural analysis, the target structure is represented by the basic objects (beam, truss, etc.) using key concepts such as encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance. These features facilitate easy development and management of the program. Yagawa and Kanto<sup>(1)</sup> proposed class structure in structural analysis program to apply OOP technique. They showed advantages of OOP for a two-dimensional linear problem. Referring their work, we have developed seismic design program for bridge, in which some new classes, class members, class member functions were developed. It has been shown that with newly developed classes, class members and class member functions and OOP techniques, the modification and expansion of program can be more easily achieved comparing with other researchers proposal, and of course traditional procedural programming technique.
古賀 浩二 馬被 健次郎 今村 敬 荒牧 軍治
一般社団法人 日本計算工学会
vol.2003, pp.20030008, 2003

Usually, main parts of computer programs of structural calculation consist of complicated mathematical expressions, and generally speaking, these expressions are classified into two categories. One category represents relational expressions which are derived directly from physical laws, mathematical formulas and geometrical constraints, and the other category represents calculative expressions which are derived from numerical methods applied in the structural computation. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new tool in the object oriented programming for the purpose of making computer programs in structural calculation simple and easy to write. We introduce a new object class which represents an relational mathematical expression, and a new computational mechanism relating to the object class. One can assume that the relational expression holds throughout the program if one declares and makes the instances at the beginning of the program. By the use of the new tool of OOP in the structural calculation, one can separate relational expressions, which should be declared at the beginning of the program, and the other calculative expressions. As a result, one can make computer programs, whose main part consists of calculative expressions only, by assuming that the declared relational expressions hold throughout the program.
吉田 教明 古賀 義之 阿部 理砂子 小林 和英 佐々木 広光 荒牧 軍治
Orthodontic waves : journal of the Japanese Orthodontic Society : 日本矯正歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13440241)
vol.57, no.4, pp.240-246, 1998

非対称フェイスボウの作用および副作用を明らかにし, 本装置の臨床上有効なデザイン, あるいは副作用を削減する方法を究明するために, フェイスボウ形態を変化させた時に, 大臼歯に作用する力系がどのような影響を受けるかについて研究を行った.アウターボウの一側を他側に比べて長くした場合と側方拡大した場合の左右側大臼歯に働く遠心力, 側方力およびモーメントを骨組構造解析法を用いて算出し, 以下の結論を得た.1. フェイスボウの非対称性を増すことで, 片側の大臼歯をより遠心に移動させる効果は大きくなるが, 同時に側方力も増加し, 大臼歯の交叉咬合を生じる危険性が高くなることが明らかになった.2. フェイスボウの非対称の度合にかかわらず, 左右大臼歯にはほぼ同じ大きさの遠心回転モーメントが生じた.従来の研究より, 非対称フェイスボウのもう一つの副作用と考えられていた, 大臼歯の捻転度の左右差を増長するような効果は生じにくいと考えられた.3. 非対称フェイスボウの副作用を削減するために, フェイスボウを極端に非対称に作製することを避けることが推奨される.遠心移動を必要としない大臼歯側のアウターボウ後端をフェイスボウチューブの位置とし, 遠心移動が必要な大臼歯側のアウターボウ後端をその位置からアウターボウに沿って25mmから30mm延長するか, 15mm延長して側方に30mm拡大すると, 非対称フェイスボウの作用と副作用のバランスのとれた効果を発揮するデザインになると考えられた.