菅原 芳明 井浦 良枝 青井 紀子 住廣 紗奈美 北山 一郎
日本官能評価学会誌 (ISSN:1342906X)
vol.9, no.2, pp.101-107, 2005-10-15 (Released:2013-07-11)

In order to elucidate the deodorizing efficacy of a titanium oxide-type deodorant, perceived changes in refrigerator odors were assessed by subjects using 13 contrasting pairs of adjectives on an 11-point scale (from −5 to +5). This assessment by inquiry was conducted three times: once immediately before placing the deodorant in the refrigerator, again after keeping it in the refrigerator for one week, and lastly at one week after removing it from the refrigerator. The obtained sensory evaluation spectrum corresponding to the changes of scores between the first inquiry and the second inquiry (second minus first) showed an upward tendency with a positive value in terms of the 13 descriptors. This implies that the odors were lessened by the use of the deodorant. The respective spectrum (third minus first) at the removal was just the reverse. This implies that the odors were intensified by removing the deodorant. Here, the sensory evaluation spectrum was represented by a bar graph, in which the mean of the foregoing impression difference was plotted against the descriptors. When the statistical significance of each of the 13 descriptors was assessed by Student's t-test, 11 or more of the descriptors were regarded as significant among 13 descriptors at a probability value of p<0.05.
四釜 慶治 松岡 有樹 菅原 芳明
生物物理 (ISSN:05824052)
vol.41, no.2, pp.74-79, 2001-03-25

The reversible and stable binding of dioxygen to the heme iron (II) is the basis of myoglobin and hemoglobin functions. During reversible oxygen binding, however, the oxygenated form of myoglobin or hemoglobin is oxidized easily to the ferric (III) met-form with generation of the superoxide anion. Thus, stability property of each oxygenated form is of particular importance in vivo, since the iron (III) species cannot bind dioxygen and is therefore physiologically inactive. With special emphasis on the possible roles of the distal histidine, this overview represents a compendium for the molecular mechanism of autoxidation for myoglobin and hemoglobin molecules.