菱山 泉
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.32, no.32, pp.1-15, 1994 (Released:2010-08-05)

Leontief's input-output analysis and Sraffa's production model are, I think, founded on Quesnay's idea in the Tableau économique that is ‘the original picture of the system of production and consumption as a circular process’.This paper is intended as an attempt to rethink Quesnay's Tableau économique—centered in the «zig-zag» and the «formule»—through the looking glass of the intersectoral approach, with adequate reference to my old paper of the Tableau (1960), and in comparison with the recent Italian article: G. Candela and V. Denicolò, Coerenza statica ed incoerenza dinamica dei «Tableau Écomonique», Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Ecomonia, Anno XLI (Nuova Serie), 1984, pp. 605-637.Sections II, III and IV of the paper are devoted mainly to throwing light on the parallels and distinctions between the «zig-zag» and the «formule» in the static and dynamic context of the Tableau économique. Section V then explains the analytical relationship between Quesnay's Tableau économique and the Sraffian production model in which is attempted the modern formulation of the Ricardian theory of value and distribution in the framework of the Quesnay-type circular process of production with a surplus.
菱山 泉
経済論叢 (ISSN:00130273)
vol.100, no.3, pp.1-20, 1967-09
菱山 泉 宮本 順介 Robert Chapeskie
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.60, no.2, pp.42-96, 2019 (Released:2019-09-04)

Introduction by Junsuke Miyamoto In 1956 Izumi Hishiyama and Yoshihiro Taguchi translated two essays by Piero Sraffa, ʻSulle relazioni fra costo e quantità prodottaʼ (1925) and ʻThe Laws of Returns under Competitive Conditionsʼ (1926), and published them, with the addition of commentary by Hishiyama, as Keizaigaku ni okeru Koten to Kindai-Shinkotengakuha no Kentō to Dokusenriron no Tenkai (The Classical and the Modern in Economics: The Examination of the Neoclassical School and the Development of Monopoly Theory, Tokyo: Yuhikaku) in the same year. It is the commentary by Hishiyama included in this book, ʻSraffaʼs Position in the History of Economic Thought and the Significance of his Study of Ricardo,ʼ that has been translated into English here. Izumi Hishiyama (1923-2007) began his work as a scholar with the study of François Quesnayʼs tableau économique, and the results of these efforts were brought together in ʻThe Tableau Économique of Quesnay: Its Analysis, Recon-struction and Applicationʼ (Kyoto University Economic Review, April 1960). This work received international acclaim as the first thoroughgoing attempt at a dynamic treatment of the tableau économique model. Later, Hishiyama en-countered Sraffaʼs essay ʻSulle relazioni fra costo e quantità prodotta,ʼ which made a profound impression on him, and through the intermediary of Sraffa developed an interest in classical school economics centred on David Ricardo, on the one hand, and the economics of Alfred Marshall and the Cambridge school, on the other. On the basis of an approach that involved reviving the ideas of the classical school in modern economics, Hishiyama presented a large amount of excellent research ranging from the economics of the classical school to the economics of his day. He is renowned in particular as a pioneer of Sraffian economics in Japan, and in 1962 published, together with Hiroshi Yamashita as his co-translator, a groundbreaking Japanese translation of Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities: Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory (1960), one of Sraffaʼs most important works. In 1993 he published Sraffa Keizaigaku no Gendaiteki Hyōka (A Modern Evaluation of Sraffian Economics, Kyoto: Kyoto University Press), a text that can be described as one of his most significant works, in which he considered Sraffaʼs economics from a multi-layered perspective and attempted to establish his contribution to modern economics.
菱山 泉
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.38, no.38, pp.66-75, 2000 (Released:2010-08-05)

Hishiyama's scientific product relating to economic thought is allocated to the following four interconnected partial research lines: I) on the doctrine of François Quesnay and the Tableau économique; II) on the theory of Alfred Marshall and the Cambridge School; III) on the socio-economic thought of Piero Sraff a and critical reformulation of classical political economy; and IV) on J. M. Keynes and his theoretic and philosophical thoughts.These areas of research have nearly the same explanatory pattern, that is: i) the motive or impulse of research as a starting point; ii) an evolutionary path of each research line; iii) critical assessment of the contributions of Hishiyama himself or others, and iv) the remaining basic issues in the context of post-Keynesian economics.