虎尾 憲史 山元 啓史
日本語教育方法研究会誌 (ISSN:18813968)
vol.6, no.1, pp.14-15, 1999

For effective language education, analysis of the content, order, and amount of material contained in the teaching materials is very important. Having a detailed and quantitative grasp of these, and going on to work out an educational sequence that is based on these data is not only vital for the beginning teacher, but also useful for the more experienced one. In our research, we have made a database of textbooks, and are creating a matrix of teaching items by analyzing their content quantitatively by order, quantity, amount, and how items of each level relate to each other. We then attempt to specify where a learner of Japanese stands at present, and what he should be taught next. In the present paper, we take up the basic thinking of our research, and an analysis of the kanji.
虎尾 憲史 山元 啓史
筑波大学留学生センタ-日本語教育論集 (ISSN:13481363)
no.15, pp.47-61, 2000

虎尾・山元(1999 )での分析に続き,データベース化した日本語教科書の初級15 種22 冊,中級15 種16 冊の本文部分に出現する漢字の分析を行った。今回は各教科書の含有異漢字について,15 種全てに共出現するものから1 種のみに出現するものまでの,それぞれの個数と各教科書内での割合の分析結果に現われた,各教科書の特性の異同による大まかなグルーピングを試みた。そして,各教科書の日本語能力試験対象漢字の含有率も分析し,3 級以下を初級漢字,2 級以上を中級漢字とした場合の,それぞれの含有比率の異同によるグルーピングも試みた。その結果,先の大まかなグルーピングとほぼ同様の結果となり,データベース分析による各教科書の含有異漢字の種類や重複,個数,出現の様子等の情報に基づく,教科書分類の可能性と各教科書の位置づけを明らかにすることができた。Following our analysis in Torao/ Yamamoto (1999 ), we have made an analysis of the kanji in the database of the main text part of 15 kinds of 22 basic Japanese language textbooks and 16 intermediate ones. we analyzed the kanji of each textbook and calculated the number and percentage of kanji, ranging from those appearing in only one kind of textbook to those appearing in all 15 kinds of textboks. These data also premit a rough grouping of textbooks. We have also analyzed the degree to which each textbook contains the kanji tested in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) . We first devided the JLPT kanji into level 4 and 3 kanji (basic level kanji) and level 2 and 1 kanji (intermediate to advanced level kanji) . We then regrouped the textbooks according to the ratio of these two levels of JLPT kani. The grouping of textbooks was more or less same using both methods, and shows the possibility of grouping and positioning textbooks based on their kanji as derived from the database analysis.