西尾 和美
松山東雲女子大学人文科学部紀要 (ISSN:2185808X)
vol.19, pp.164-141, 2011-03

本稿は、慶長七年(1602)八月の毛利輝元養女と興正寺門跡の婚姻が関係諸勢力の間でもった意義を、当時の政治状況をふまえつつ考察するものである。同女は、小早川氏に入った秀吉の養子秀秋と関ヶ原合戦以前に離縁し、秀秋生前のうちに興正寺門跡に再嫁した。毛利氏にとって、小早川隆景、豊臣秀吉の相次ぐ死により、秀秋との婚姻の意義は関ヶ原以前に変化しており、また関ヶ原以後の苦境の下で武士との婚姻には成り行きを予測できない難しさがあった。一方、この時期、東西分派問題に直面する興正寺および本願寺にとって、戦国期以来の同盟者である毛利氏の周防・長門の門徒掌握ほ重要であり、この婚姻成立の意義は大きかった。このように関係者間でそれぞれに大きなこの婚姻の意義は、婚姻成立より輝元死亡まで多年に及んで細やかに維持された輝元と養女・興正寺門跡夫妻との付き合いを通じて、またこの婚姻を契機として結ばれた養女の実家宍戸氏関係者と興正寺関係者との婚姻によって、支えられた。 This article explores, in the political context of its time, the significance of the 1602 marriage between the adopted daughter of the warrior Mori Terumoto and the head priest of Koshoji Temple in Kyoto. The daughter had previously been married to the warrior Kobayakawa Hideaki, the adopted son of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and, later, of Kobayakawa Takakage. With the deaths of Hideyoshi and Takakage, the marriage was terminated for it had become politically problematic for the Mori family, even before the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600. For the Mori family, on the losing side of the Sekigahara battle, marriage of their daughters to warriors carried an inherent risk, while marriage to a cleric, with less concern for worldly matters, was seen as a safer prospect. While Hideaki was still alive, the Mori's adopted daughter entered into a new marriage to the Koshoji cleric in 1602. At that time, however, the Honganji Temple, along with its then-branch temple Koshoji, was embroiled in a serious schismatic dispute. Therefore, the daughter's marriage was of great significance for it offered a means of control over adherents in the Mori domains of Suo and Nagato in western Japan. Indeed, for twenty years after the marriage, Mori Terumoto remained in close communication with his adopted daughter and her husband, and more marriages followed between members of the clerical family of Koshoji and the adopted daughter's natal family, the Shishido.
西尾 和美
鳴門史学 (ISSN:09141383)
vol.26, pp.1-25, 2012