青山 定敬 西川 肇 村井 宏
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.10, no.4, pp.539-551, 1990-12-30 (Released:2009-05-22)

It is very important to obtain the information on soil physical properties and the growth condition of trees, when we make runoff analysis in forest land. But actual vegetation map is not including the growth condition of trees, and it is difficult to obtain the information on the soil. Therefore, it is thought that the usefulness of satellite data have to be verified in this aspect.This paper aims at estimating the ratio of coarse pore, which relates to hydrologic cycle in forest using satellite data and applying it to flood-runoff analysis. In mountainous terrain, it is necessary to eliminate the terrain effect to radiometrical distortion for satellite data. Therefore, the radiometrical distortions of used LANDSAT/TM data were eliminated using digital terrain model (DTM). Many measurement points were selected in the area for survey of various physical soil properties and vegetation conditions of the forest.In order to estimate the ratio of coarse pore from satellite data, we made linear multiple regression equation through multiple regression analyses on the relationship between the ratio of coarse pore and corrected LANDSAT/TM data to each of categorized three forest types. As the result, it was found that the ratio of coarse pore related to the band ratio of near-infrared/red. Further, we tried to apply the estimated ratio of coarse pore to runoff simulation model. It was found that this method was useful to estimate the ratio of coarse pore, because of the simulated hydrograph well coincide with the observed one.
西川 肇 藤井 壽生 工藤 勝輝 露木 延夫 近藤 勉 田原 達人
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.2002, no.706, pp.77-85, 2002-05-22 (Released:2010-08-24)
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河川流域における森林が緑のダムとして大きく評価されるようになってきている. 森林の保水機能を軸とした沿水・利水の対策が求めはじめられた今日, 河川流域を単位とした森林の生育状況からその保水機能を定量的に評価することが河川管理上で重要なキーポイントとなる. 本研究は, 東京都民の水瓶である多摩川小河内ダム上流域を対象に, ランドサットデータで判読した森林の生育状況と林地土壌の理学的性質との相関性を定量的に分析し, 流域の持つ森林機能について解析した.
近田 文弘 西川 肇 藤井 寿生
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.441-446, 2006

Meteorological features of the Fukiage-gyoen Gardens in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo was investigated by measurement of atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, and amount of rainfall from June to October in 2005 under the comparison with those of downtown in Tokyo. It is concluded that the meteorological features of the Fukiage-gyoen Gardens are lower atmospheric temperature and higher relative humidity than those of downtown in Tokyo during the summer season.