高橋 伯夫 松沢 誠 池垣 岩夫 西村 眞人 増井 一郎 山田 親久 乾 修然 吉村 学
社団法人 日本腎臓学会
日本腎臓学会誌 (ISSN:03852385)
vol.32, no.1, pp.53-64, 1990 (Released:2011-07-04)

We assessed the role of circulating digitalislike substance (s) on the blood pressure regulation in patients with essential hypertension, cardiac diseases, diabetes mellites and renal diseases by measuring digoxin-like immunoreactivity (DLI). Plasma DLI concentrations tended to correlate with blood pressure in all patient groups. Plasma DLI correlated to plasma aldosterone concentration in patients with essential hypertension, which suggested close interrelationship between DLI and electrolytes metabolism with adrenal steroids. Serum immunoreactive insulin (IRI) levels significantly correlated with blood pressure. Because plasma DLI levels correlated with serum IRI, increased levels of insulin could have induced sodium retention leading to increased DLI levels. Digitalislike substance, but not insulin, would have directly increased blood pressure in patients with abnormal glucose tolerance. Plasma DLI levels significantly correlated with the severity of renal insufficiency in patients with renal diseases. Plasma DLI highly correlated with amounts of plasma pro-teins, particularly with albumin, which would be due to the binding of DLI with albumin in plasma. Because the level of non-binding DLI is extremely low when assayed with a digoxin-radioimmunoassay, it was impossible to assess the level of a free-form of DLI, i.e., active DLI. That could be a reason why the correlation between the DLI and the other parameters was not highly significant. Collectively, these findings suggest that the DLI is one of the major determinants of blood pressure rises, regardless of any cause.
鈴木 尚紀 竹田 優希 小西 昂弘 人見 泰正 佐藤 暢 西村 眞人
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.55, no.5, pp.327-333, 2022 (Released:2022-06-04)

脳血流の指標とされる前頭葉混合血酸素飽和度(FL‒rSO2)を,透析中に測定した血圧低下症例を3例報告する.症例1は76歳男性,オンライン血液透析濾過を施行した患者であり,開始2時間後より2度の急激な血圧低下とともにFL‒rSO2の低下が認められた.症例2は65歳女性,15分毎に50 mLの補液を行う間歇補充型血液透析濾過(少量頻回補液IHDF)を施行した患者であった.透析開始時より血圧とブラッドボリューム(BV)は低値で推移したが,FL‒rSO2は安定して推移した.症例3は68歳女性,少量頻回補液IHDFを施行した患者であり,BV低下はわずかであったが,開始3時間後より血圧低下を認め,FL‒rSO2はIHDFの補液に反応して変化した.脳血流の調節メカニズムは複雑であり,血圧やBVで管理することは難しいが,透析中のFL‒rSO2モニタリングは脳循環管理の指標として有用である可能性がある.