新倉 久市 谷 勅行 村上 亘 根本 信介 柳生 嘉博 高 徳松 石川 雅夫 山本 美朗 角田 豊作
社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会
日本補綴歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03895386)
vol.23, no.2, pp.367-374, 1979 (Released:2010-08-10)

We have experienced the Epulis fissuratum in clinic. The most cases are caused by the continuous repeating mechanical stimuli due to the ill-fitting dentures.When we observed them, we have gained the following results.Especially about the dentures which brought the chronically mechanical irritation, we have measured the occlussal stress-concentration by means of “Prescale (FUJI FILM Co., Ltd)”.1. The average of the age was 61.6 S.D.±8.5 years old.2. In respect of sex, the female were 8 cases and the male was a case. The female caused more than the male.3. The position of the proliferation located the parts of the incisor and premolar. The maxilla were 6 cases and the mandible were 3 cases. The maxilla caused more than the mandible.4. About the growing form, the lobulated iype were 5 cases, the ridge type were 3 cases, and the mixed type was a case.5. About the chief complaint, there were many swelling, but few pain.6. All dentures were ill-fitting, and polished insufficiently.7. About the histologic features, we have observed the epithelial proliferation, the proliferation of the fibrous conective tissue, and the accessory salivary glands in a few cases.8. About the alveolar ridge and the dental arch, there were discrepancy between the maxilla and the mandible in the most cases. 9. About the occlusal stress-concentration, the result which used “Prescale (FUJI FILM Co., Ltd)” were distributed the press as the parts of the incisor as the molar.
角田 豊
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.42, no.2, pp.193-200, 1994-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
13 2

It is necessary for empathy not only to share feelings with another, but also to appreciate the individuality between oneself and an other person. The purpose of this study was to construct a questionnaire, Empathic Experience Scale Revised (EESR). Insufficient sharing experience (ISE) items in addition to sharing experience (SE) items were prepared, and 157 male and 145 female students were asked to answer those items together with LSO and Self-consciousness Scale. After factor analysis, the Scale of SE (10 items) and the Scale of ISE (10 items) were selected. Then the typology of empathy (Type double-dominant, Type dominant of SE, Type double-recessive, and Type dominant of ISE) was attempted. ANOVA by typology and sex on LSO-E (subscale of LSO) measuring the belief in individuality of human beings indicated that Type double-dominant differentiated oneself better from the other than Type dominant of SE. Consequently, the typology of empathy by EESR had a criterion-related validity while other results showed the characteristics of each type.