許 福子 李 秀英
岩手県立大学社会福祉学部紀要 (ISSN:13448528)
vol.6, no.1, pp.19-25, 2003-09-30

With the rapidly graying population in China in the late 20<th> century, elderly support and care has become a serious social problem in the urban communities, especially for those over 65. The problem is acute among the elderly who had worked and retired during the "Economic Planning Era" and also among the low income category as well as those with poor health or without any kin and kith to provide such care and services for this group of senior citizens. This paper examines the various issues and solutions of community-based in-home care for the elderly in Minquan JieDao, Dalian, China including an innovative approach for the care of the elderly poor in China.